summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today is our thanksgiving celebration. The turkey is in the oven. Camille helped me give it a bath first. Sonja is torturing the cat, she dressed poor General Thunder in a dress. But she IS giving him kitty treats.

I just read some of Drudge Report, and it is depressing. These airport screeners are crossing lines and disrespecting people, and they do not have to answer for it. (well, they will someday, but anyhoo...). A little boy strip-searched, a cancer survivor having his ulostomy (?) bag burst, a lady having to remove her breast prothethis for security....and here is the scariest one: a young woman in a skirt was chosen for pat-down because of the skirt. rrr. She said she was searched so roughly all she wanted to do was get on the plane and cry. Human nature being what it is, these jobs of airport security screeners are going to be filled by people who like power, and who are low and base. Oh, not all of them are like that, but jeepers. When a six year old boy is in tears and pleading for his father to help him as the father watches helplessly as the screener thouroughly checks the childs made me cry, not for just this child and his dad, but for the direction this world is going. Stripping citizens of their dignity and self-respect, in the name of safety....I just don't know.

My camera batteries are charging....I hope we can get a new family picture today. All the kids are going to be here, plus three guests.....we will have to squish to fit 21 at the table.

1 comment:

Martha said...

We had a dinner at church after this morning's service; turkey, stuffing, potatoes,... the works. Oh yummy! I had a ladybug join me at the table, which was okay until it decided to crawl up onto my plate. I was well behaved and only filled two plates, in moderation, of course. I should tell you that one was for my mother, who although she resists staying out too long, did seem to enjoy her dinner and even ate a piece of cake afterward.

I am hating the news stories about airport security, but glad that we are still free to voice our disagreement. I am especially disturbed by what we are putting small children and our elderly citizens through. It is just plain wrong.