summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

shopping for Thanksgiving....

Our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be on Sunday, so I have to get moving. I have one 23 pound turkey in the freezer, but this is the last week for cheap turkeys (38 cents a pound) and I would like to get a second one for later...(I was planning to defrost our big freezer so I could fit a few in there, but ...well, I just didn't get to it...)....anyway, I have to go to Wegman's and get some potatoes and a turkey and some other stuff. We are having twenty or twenty-one people for dinner, which honestly is just a few more than normal, and we have big dinners pretty often, so it isn't daunting. But it IS exciting. Emily has THREE DAYS OFF! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!!! So she will be helping with the pie making....

I really do need a day at home to clean up some things. I walked through the fabric store in the mall yesterday with Ben, he had to exchange a sweatshirt at the Aeropostale store...anyway, I walked through there and saw all the fall decorations for 70%off, and then all the Christmas spite of myself, I got all excited....there were cinnamon scented pine cones, and the twinkly lights and wreaths and ribbons....I had to steel myself to walk right through, because we seriously don't need any of this stuff. But that's the point, it isn't all about "need", it is about "want".....

Samuel didn't go to school because he has a cold...I am secretly glad, it is nice to have him around, and when there are few others, he opens up more and he is hilarious and kind and special and just plain good company. I said to him this morning, "I don't know why people read my blog...", and he said, "Well, it is probably because you are not Hollywood-y, just a normal person with sixteen kids, well, for having all these kids you are sort of normal." Coming from Sam, this is a compliment.

So unbeknownst (is that a word?) to him, he is going to Wegman's with me today.

Right now, he has Rosie out for a little run around the yard.

Well, as I mentioned the other day, I am working on getting along better with a few of my daughters. And getting them to get along better among themselves....I understand that progress involves trials, and trials there have been....

1. Yesterday, one of my daughters made comments that hurt my feelings, three in a row. I did not say anything back, just left the room, but as I was leaving she stated loudly, "Mom is offended again!" Ouch. Ouch. True, and ouch. I DID have a little talk with her later, after I confirmed with God that I was indeed offended, and I was sure I was in a good spirit.

2. One of my daughters got scratched while trying to defend her sister from her other sister. Caught in the middle. Not two minutes after she stopped crying about this, she got punched by a different sister for a misunderstanding about the Chinese takeout food that I was saving for Sam.

3. No one ever said it would be easy to have five girls in a row in five years. When they were little sweeties, all dressed alike with their little pony-tails, I was guessing it would get more difficult as they got older...and it did.

4. They are not always fact, they are such good friends. And I know there is hope for them, after all, my older daughters are wonderful and respectful and kind....

5. One thing I have learned it to be slow to speak. No matter who is at fault, if I am awake and aware and humble, I can be certain to find some sin in me that can be dealt with. When I acknowledge that, it goes blessedly better when I have to work with the kids about themselves.

6. One can bear much more than one THINKS one can bear. God likes us to trust Him, so things always seem more than one can handle, but He has promised that with each temptation He will provide a way out....

7. Life goes by too fast to be offended or to hold grudges...and seriously, when we take care of these things inside of ourselves when they happen, we aren't storing up that wrath for ourselves...just think, to stand before God someday....and know that we did our best to love and forgive.

Rosie is now tired out and very muddy and in need of a bath, again....blah, she is more work than a two year old. I did pull the tick off her yesterday....she very patiently let me do that. It was YUCK. And of course I forgot to go to the pet store for the flea/tick stuff, so I have to do that today...if Sam goes with me, we can take the little girls to see the puppies....I wish Rosie was one of those Good Dogs who get to go there with their masters....the ones who just walk nicely on their leashes and don't bark at everyone. Oh well....


Tereza said...

Samuel is right that IS exactly why I read your blog...that and because we have so much in common!

Being slow to speak is such a wonderful thing....I'm just slowly learning this now...

Mom said...

Just wanted you to know how jealous I am abou the turkey. Turkeys this year, in New Zealand, are $60 for a 3.5 kg bird (7.7 lbs). So, so sad. That's one of my biggest complaints about living here--they don't sell Turkey breast at the deli and whole (frozen) turkeys only come once a year and cost a fortune! Enjoy your $.38 a lb turkey. I hope you got the biggest one they had!!!