summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, July 28, 2011

thrifty shoppers...

The Rescue Mission store is fun. I bought an old fashioned thermos for three bucks, to use to keep that coffee hot while camping. I bought two really pretty bowls for a buck a piece, and baskets for our church conference Medieval Day.

Suzanne, Sonja K., and Jonathan ended up coming shopping with me. We met Kim at Wegmans, and went to lunch together at McDonalds. We sipped our coffee while the kids hung around listening to us talk...I did sent them to play on the McPlayArea, even though they didn't have socks, but the PlayLady noticed and told them nicely they had to have socks. Oh well. They seemed okay with it, so I didn't go buy them some for .99cents a pair.

I am mostly done with the grill shopping. I am mostly done with my conference/camping shopping. But I am not sure, because I am so discombobulated right now, I don't know what I have and what I don't. "Discombobulated" is a little tribute to my mother, who used that word all the time. Today is the anniversary of her death, it has been five years today. Ouch, I miss her more today than ever. She had a good passing, although I am no authority on passings. She was awake and alert until the end, which was not what we were told to expect. A few hours before she finally closed her eyes and slept her final sleep, she told us that Jesus was there for her, and she tried to get out of bed to go with Him. We told her she didn't even have to move, He would come to her. She didn't seem scared at all, she said she was ready. I believe it. I think of her every day. She would have loved that I am finally losing weight, it must've broken her heart to see me so out of shape for those years. She would love Camille, whom she never met. Charlotte Claire was just a newborn when she died. She would have loved the little guy Jon has grown into. I would have called her yesterday and told her that he said, "I don't get it, Rosie is an Old English Sheepdog, but she doesn't understand a word of English!" She would be so proud to have three grandchildren in nursing school. She would have been preparing her speech for next week's town board meeting. She would be enjoying our pool with us. She used to like to spend the night here, giving one of the kids five or ten bucks to go make up her bed for her. She would have loved Rosie, but she would NOT have tolerated any disobedience from her. She would have loved seeing Sonja's red hair, and Evelyn's strawberry blondeness. She would be so proud of Margaret, how she works out, and how she keeps those long curls so nicely. How she does so well in school. She would be thrilled that two of my brothers are also going camping when our family is going. Blah, she is missing so much, I ache to share things with her. She cared about the details, nothing was too small to share with her.

Well, princesses in high heels need bedtime stories.

1 comment:

Tereza said...

I havent been by your blog in a long time!!! Summer is busy!Sounds like life just keeps buzzing on for it does for me! I`ll try to keep up better with your posts though:)