summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Camille's hair looked so sweet in braids...
Charlotte Claire and I did a few puzzles last night
The girls had a pear soup and cheesies picnic in the living room. hmm.
Never a dull moment, I tell ya. I was sitting in the shade in the back yard, petting Rosie and watching the kids in the pool, and eating a tomato I had just picked from the garden...the water is cold, so the last two girls came out of the pool, and I decided to go check on Paul...he is putting a new screen door on the deck door. I had visions of power tool accidents. I remembered a particular incident that happened not too long ago, not too far from here, in which the husband sawed off his hand, and his wife was a quick thinker, and saved his hand and him...I do not know why this story was in my mind, Paul has been fixing things here all week, and I haven't been nervous...well, to make an already long story a bit longer, I wandered around to the front of the house, got distracted playing fetch with a plastic bat with Rosie...when Jon came running out of the house saying how Daddy just hurt himself with the drill, BAD. Okay, I prayed a little, and hurried in...there was blood, and he said he hit himself with the drill in a bad place, on the I did what any good wife would do, I ran in to go to the bathroom, grabbed the hairbrush and some extra pads, while telling Jon to go get Sam for emergency the time I got back out to the kitchen, Paul was fine. He just missed a vein, it bled alot, but it stopped quickly, and a bandaid did the trick. blah. I really thought he was hurt bad, and now am very thankful. He is at the hardware store, which he has haunted this week, getting a new drill bit.

Never a dull moment.

I am taking another break from wandering around doing not too much. I hate this limbo, this leaking and flooding and emptiness. My blessings are many, and I am trying to keep them in mind because I feel really sad.

So I will finish my low fat low calorie Boston-cream pie yogurt mixed with some chocolate chips, and maybe take a little nap. ha, poor me, right?


Martha said...

One does not need a power tool to have a construction accident. The end of a nail sticking out will do just fine for ripping a deep gouge into the forearm, and a chisel to the palm is quite an effective reason for a doctor's visit also. I'm glad Paul is okay. You are a quick thinker grabbing the hairbrush and pads though, aren't you? (For a brief second I wondered why you needed a hairbrush. I'm a little slow, but not missing altogether, at least not yet.)

Karen said...

Praying for you! Sorry to read of your loss...

Cassandra said...

Praying for you Della (((gbh)))