Blah, a beautiful day for sleeping. Rainy and windy and chilly and was not a good day for walking Rosie The Bad Dog, but I did anyway. I was tired. My alarm was set for 6:30, but of course I woke up at 6:00 to go to the bathroom, after several hours of restless sleep and dreams of searching for bathrooms...that diet Coke seemed like such a good idea last evening, to ward off those munchy-cravings.
Camille and I have big plans today. We are going to the school pool for a swim. Our pool is being rained in, and it is too cold out there to swim outside. Camille is good company, good thing, all my friends are too busy to galavant with me these days. My sister drives one of her girls to college, I don't know her schedule sister-in-law has to be home everyday for a tutor who comes for one of her kids...other friends work, or are just too busy.
Mali has Thursdays off from college, she informed me last night that I should save my shopping for Thursdays.
I think she just wants to practice driving. But all I have during the day is the big 15 passenger van...
Kitty Kitten has been a total blessing so far. He always hits the litter, that we know of anyway. He is brave and daring, and prances and flips attacks invisible enemies. He is not afraid of Rosie, well, a little hesitant, but not afraid. Rosie is getting more tolerant, I am hoping they will be cuddled up with each other before too long.
After Story Hour, Camille and I came home and had lunch, I did some work around here while she "read" her four new library books, telling her every five minutes that I would read them to her soon...she opted to cuddle in my bed with her books while I exercised in my room...I lasted nine big minutes before ditching the weights and cuddling with her and reading the books. After we read, we snuggled up and I fell asleep like ten times, while she told me how much she loves me, and made me "pinky promise" to never go anywhere without her. I think she was a little nervous being here with just I would go bye-bye without her! Anyway, I finally gave up on the "nap"...
I had two roasts roasting in the oven all day on low, so it smelled yummy when the kids got off the bus. Sam made coffee, and I had yogurt with it...then I broke down and had an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie he had made the day before with Abigail...then one more...oh, they were so good. I was totally tempted for a third, but resisted, finally. When I wandered into the kitchen a little later and saw the empty container, I was so glad.
My sister met up with a kid (well, not exactly a kid, he is probably near thirty) who had a baby with him...she complimented him on the cute little newborn, and they started talking...she reconized his name, and realized he had lost his fiance after the baby was born five weeks ago, she died right after the birth. So so sad. Well, he lives down the road from here, at least his mom does...and he needs help with the baby my nice sister volunteered me. What a great idea! I could watch other people's babies and maybe even get paid for it! hmm.
Of course I would really like just one more baby, just one more.
But it could be twins.
ha, if I am dreaming, I may as well dream, right?
Well, I need to get moving...there is work to do around here for some reason. Perhaps because 12 kids came home from school and college yesterday and left their own little trails...a sweatshirt here, a cup there...blah. And there is laundry. Lots of bedding, towels, socks...and those 12 kids will be coming home again today, looking for food. They will require dinner. I should think of something. We are trying to use the meat in the freezer up, so I should go dig out some chicken and make chicken and gravy..or maybe make the leftover beef into something they will rave about. ha.
They seemed to like their first day of school. Charlotte Claire made two friends. Jonathan was pleased to see some friends from kindergarten and first grade in his class. Sonja really likes her teacher. Margaret is taking an advanced placement class, so is in a different lunch than all of her friends. Sam even seems okay with going to school this year. It helps that he sits with his friends from church at lunch.
They brought home forms for me to fill out...eight of everything. Will the "school" ever smarten up and just have one on file for all of them? Is "smarten" a word? It should be. I sit...and nothing is getting done...
1 comment:
If I lived closer I would gallivant with you.
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