The skies darkened, the rain arrived...but we were cozy and warm, Camille and I. We made up a triple batch of cookie dough, and baked three sheets...42 cookies. (the rest of the dough is in the 'fridge, for NO ONE to eat. NO ONE eats everything around here). Anyway, 42 cookies...there are 16 people living here. I ate a half of a cookie. That leaves 41 cookies. Divided by 15...15 people can have two, and then eleven of them can have another one. What WILL happen, is that some will have four or five, then they will be gone, inevitably someone will not get one. I personally just want them to just eat them already. I ate enough dough to make me feel sick just thinking about it...yet at the same time, oh it was good. Probably three or four spoonfuls. I refuse to add up those calories. I shall just be extra careful for the rest of the day.
See, the old me would eat all that dough, then have a small stack of cookies with my coffee...then maybe a few more after dinner...then perhaps just cookies and coffee for breakfast in the morning....blah. Things have changed, yet I am still the same inside. I love cookies.
We are going to the pool tonight again. Hopefully the picky lifeguard won't be there. She commanded us to stay closer to Charlotte Claire last, Suzanne was swimming with her and Suze is a much better swimmer than yours truly. And they were maybe ten-fifteen feet from us...Paul was playing with Jon and Camille, and I was trying to exercise a little bit. rrr. We were the only ones there, no one else in the pool. Char had pool-issued floatie strapped around her waist. Really? We really have to literally be next to her? blah, lady, leave us alone. Some people love rules, and love to have a little bit of power over other people.
I accomplished many things today. The floors got swept, the dishwasher done, I scrubbed and soaked a sinkful of mugs (hard water coats the dishes), straightened shoes, folded clothes, did laundry, including the dreaded socks. I exercised for 20 minutes, and I took a rest with Camille after reading her a story. She is too smart for me...during our lunch, she asked me why I was "just staring". Well, Camille, I am tuning you out. I didn't say that, of course. She is a sweetie. Now the second bus is here, all 8 school kids are home...
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