summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, November 7, 2011

happy birthday Camille Anaya!!!

Ha, I just realized that today is Camille's real birthday. She is four years old. She is my miracle baby, my special sweetie, my spoiled girl. She is my little helper, my companion, my little bug. She is still squishy and huggy, but she is growing fast. She is growing up and away from me, and I have to refrain from smothering her sometimes, smothering her with hugs and cuddles when she is squirming to go and play. She is slipping through my fingers, is no longer the cute little toddler...she is her own person, and she already wants to go to school. If she has to be the last one, I have gone out with a bang, because she certainly is special. I am not ready to say goodbye to the days of rocking and snuggling and nurturing the babies, has to end sometime, right? Yes, Camille has been special. She found out Sonja didn't feel well this morning, so she put her hands on her hips and said, "If you need a drink of water, you just tell me and I will get you one, okay?" She is very sincere, she tells me sometimes how good she is going to be today. She is also very greedy for birthday presents. When she found out she already got them all, and is not getting any on her real birthday, she actually cried! Everyone in the family loves her so much, when the older kids get home from an evening activity, they are always glad if she is still up so they can give her hugs. So...the days can just go by I can enjoy her littleness.

1 comment:

FLmom7 said...

Happy Birthday to Miss Camille, what a cutie she is:)