My number five child is 21 years old today. We lived in a mobile home when he was born. That May was scorching hot, a rare early heatwave. It was in the 90's. Our trailer was very hot, no A.C., and not enough ventilation. So on my due date, I decided to go to the new big mall in the big city. My sister came over with younger-than-school kids (3), Emily was in kindergarten, so I packed up Abigail 4, Benjamin 2, and Mirielle 15 months...and off we went. I started having contractions as we drove down the Thruway. Five minutes apart. dang. We turned around, and headed for the hospital in the small city. I was checked, and four centimeters, with regular contractions. I was staying. Cheryl was going home with lots of kids. Paul left work and joined me. It was a long day....after five hours the dr. offered to break my water, or send me home, since not a whole lot was going on. I thought about our hot hot trailer, and I opted to stay. A few hours later, he was was the BEST birth ever. Like one push, and there he was...all relaxed and stretched out...Joseph never curled up. He was a long baby, too. He is still pretty relaxed, Mr. Joseph.
We started building this house when he was newborn. I was mostly home with five little ones while Paul worked on this after work and on weekends. Well, not exactly "home", we shopped for light fixtures and flooring and paint and sinks...Paul and my brothers built the house themselves, part time. It was a really crazy year, but it was worth it, and I am ever grateful for my brothers who gave their time to help us so much. When Joseph was eleven months old, we moved in.
Joseph is working today, on his birthday. I think I will buy some burgers and grill them, he likes those. The last ones we had turned to hockey pucks...I will not mention any names, but the griller that night totally scorched them. We still ate them, of course, but yuck.
I have been craving these flourless oatmeal/almond/coconut/peanutbutter cookies. I saw the recipe for them on a blog I came across, and have been wanting to make them. But I have also been apprehensive about it, because what if no one here wanted them except for me? Would I be able to control myself? So this morning, I did something smart, if I do say so myself. I mixed my whole oats with crunchy peanutbutter, then added toasted sliced almonds and coconut, and a small bit of brown sugar...then milk. It was SO good. I tasted like cookie dough of the cookies I have been craving. I think I am okay now, I don't need to make those cookies today. So my breakfast might have been more fattening, but in the long run, I think it was a good idea.
Today is one of my teenager's driving test. I will not write a thing about it if the poor dear fails. We are filling the car with college students, and Camille, to go to the small city. Aaron and Mali and Joseph and Paul are going on an Adirondack hike tomorrow. They like to climb the high peaks. So they need food. Camille and I are going along for the fun of it, and because we could use some more fresh produce.
Last night after dinner I asked who wanted to go on a walk with me, and to my surprise, Samuel volunteered immediately! He must have like our walk the night before. So off we went, Sam and Jonny and I. It is so pleasant that at 8'oclock it is still light out!
I went on the Dreadmill yesterday. One mile, four long laps...I alternated running and walking, and cut my time from 20 minutes to 18:45. Aren't I so speedy? I read somewhere that sweat is one's fat crying...believe me, my fat was having a huge a screaming tantrum! I also did some squats and that second walk, which was 1.2 miles on the real road with real hills... It was a good day eating-wise, too. We had spaghetti for dinner, whole wheat pasta. I took a few strands just to taste, but had my sauce on a huge pile of green beans. Plus some salad, no croutons, none of that yummy bread and butter the kids were having. I did have one of those fifteen calorie rice cakes with peanutbutter, later.
Two things I am excited for: fresh produce that comes with summertime, and opening our pool. I have high hopes of a good weight loss summer. I am now over a year into this New Lifestyle, and I am still alive and happy! I have had my share of setbacks, especially the pregnancy loss and the gallbladder surgery, and the trip to Jamaica which netted a five pound gain which had to be lost again, and of course Christmas...and I have been frustrated and questioned myself, but I am more certain than ever that this is the way I want to live. I want to be healthy. Even if the pounds aren't falling off like I think they should, it is still better for me to eat good nutritious clean foods, and stay away from sugars and baked goods. I do and always will love donuts, but I don't need them in my life. I guess to sum it up: I have chosen the way I want to live, and I know I possess the power to see it through, even though I feel like I have no power at all. There WILL be temptations along the way, but I know that now. And I know it won't kill me to suffer through without giving in. There are probably people who can just casually say NO THANK YOU to a piece of cake, and not think a thing of it. For me, there will be longing inside. There will be thoughts that tell me it won't hurt me just this once. I don't know if I will ever come to the point where I won't have that battle. But. It is my cross to bear, my weakness. And I CAN overcome it. Painful as it is....
I have run out of things to say this fine morning. And since we have to get going soon, I shall pry myself out of my comfy chair and do some exercising...blah. And dishes. And laundry...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
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you have lost, that alone is huge. I went to the doctor yesterday because I can not loose this time. Today I spnt 33 minutes on my treadmill, did 2 miles, and burnt off over 300 calories. Too bad I am not loosing. I am at the point where I want to just not eat! Seriously. I know that it is not healthy. but when you workout so hard and nothing at all comes off it is hard. I work out a good 5 days a week. This morning I had a bowl of oatmeal with a tbs of brown sugar and was shocked that it was over 300 calories! I really thought that oatmeal would be less. I just finised doing crunches and modified push ups. I have burnt off almost 700 calories since 9 am, and yet NOTHING is coming off. You should be proud. Happy Birthday to your son, and good luck to the mystery child on his/her driving test.
Thank you for the comment you left on my blog the other day!!! I love hearing from you, so many fun details just like we are sitting down with a cup of coffee having a nice chat on a sunny day. =)
I was really helped by what you shared today, I can relate 110% to loving food so much. To the longing, to the little voice that says just this once won't hurt. Too bad just this once turns into alot of onces.
This morning DH brought the kids to school and the little ones are still sleeping so I am enjoying a rare hour of quiet!! Unfortunately...the house still needs cleaning like it always does, and my workout is waiting to be done. The more I sit here, the more I feel like not doing those things...
...but what you wrote about the power, even when I don't FEEL like I have the power, to say that I will anyway. I don't feel like I have it in me today, to get up and do my workout, to skip my nap so the refrigerator guy can come fix our dead fridge, or to clean the house that just got messy again last night after cleaning yesterday.
But I choose to, anyway. And I know I will be all the better for it, it'll make me much happier than huffing and pouting and not
Have a wonderful day, I hope you're getting sunshine like we are!
I just love your blog! I can only imagine how crazy busy that year when was Joseph was born and your house was being makes me tired just thinking about it!
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