summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012


Here in the good old U. S. of A., it is Memorial Day. While I am very patriotic, I am also skeptical of this whole idea of war...I know we export weapons, and I know that money is the root of all evil. I shudder to think that our men and women are over in Afghanistan fighting and risking life and limb...for...never mind, I can't even suggest it. But. I read The List on Drudge Report, and give a little nod of thanks to each and every one of those soldiers who dies over there. When I hear the comment, "that war in Afghanistan is winding down..."...well, "winding down" it might be, but it is still just as fierce for the soldiers there. I do not necessarily support The War, but I do support the soldiers.

And today I miss Ben.

I walked today with Rosie, despite the thunder rolling in the distance, and the cool breeze that threatened rain. It is very humid, and heading toward 92 degrees today. We are going to a cook-out at my niece's house (Davian's house!)

Yesterday....we had company, and it was extremely nice!! Friends from Ohio who were here in town for the soccer tournament. Linda and her husband, and five kids. Very nice kids who get along so nicely with our kids. We all enjoyed having them so much! Emily burnt, I mean grilled, hot sausage and hot dogs and white hots. I made pasta salad, and we had watermelon and cantaloupe and grapes.

Well...time to get moving again. Hugs to all of you who have lost someone to war, or who are holding down the homefront while your dear is deployed, or who have grown sons or daughters deployed. I honestly never knew it would be this hard. I know Benjamin will be okay, but there is that fear always that I have to fight against.


Joni said...

... or rather, the love of money is the root of all evil! :)

I love your blog!

baristamom said...

Happy Memorial Day to you, Della! Thanks again so much for the awesome visit yesterday! We all had such a good time and love your family! Thanks for the delicious dinner, yum! Can't wait to see you all again in a couple weeks! Hope it doesn't rain on the parade; we ended up packing up and leaving early because of the thunder and rain.

Martha said...

Tonight we grilled boneless chicken thighs and ate potato salad. Maybe I'll pick up a package white hots next trip to the grocery store. Hopefully the Zweigles will still be on sale.

How sad that in order to live in peace there must be war. Freedom always comes at a price. I'm so glad Christ paid the price for me.

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

my parents used to make trips up north just to get real "white hots". My mom used to live in NY. Rochester. Now they have wegmans where they live (Maryland) and they sell them. White and red, they were so excited.