summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, May 19, 2008

cold damp monday morning

and who's rejoicing? Me!!! I love it! The kids are all cozy and content, and I don't have to be looking out the window wishing I was outside! Because, I have enough to do in this house to wear out an army....or me, anyway. The kids had matchbox cars, road track, waffleblocks, and train track all over the floor last night....and mean mommy made them pick it all up, so I could vacuum. It is lovely to wake up and face a freshly vacuumed living room. It doesn't take them long to transform it back the way they like it, though. None of their bedrooms are big enough to really set stuff up in and play, and we don't have a play room anymore...we needed it for a is neat to see them all play together. Last night six of them were down on the floor playing. Of course there are random fights, sometimes bordering on violent: Jon will get mad and whip a matchbox truck at Evelyn, and she'll scream bloody murder....and Jon will have to sit by me for maybe 2 minutes until he can say he's sorry, then go play again. And Charlotte Claire is just plain King Kong jr., Miss I-see-what-I-want, I-grab-what-I-want.....But it is all a learning process. By the time these guys enter kindergarten, they know how to get along with others.

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