summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

going shopping, again....

We're going shopping! I do like getting out, and am glad we can afford to buy groceries...but I don't feel like getting up and getting moving this afternoon. I have to wash my long tangly hair first, and right now Charlotte Claire and Camille are napping. So it goes against everything in me to get up and has been such a busy day today. Not that you could tell if you stopped in right now. But I did 3 loads of laundry, swept and mopped the floor, picked up the livingroom, washed the counters, and fed the kids breakfast and lunch...and took them outside for over an hour. Bonus points for that.

My dear daughter Emily-the-nurse, and my son Aaron are coming home tonight from their trip to England. I really want to go down to the airport to pick them up, but my husband said he would do it. I'm thinking of trying to go with him. 45 minutes together with him in the truck on the way down there, with no kids to interupt...then getting to hear from the kids about the trip on the way back....sounds good to me.

Okay, I'm talking myself into getting moving....I really should go jump in the shower before Camille wakes up. My philosophy: I am a far cry from a fashion plate, with my birkenstocks and jean skirts, but there's absolutely no reason not to be neat and clean when I go out. Or at home too, for that matter. I feel the same about my kids. My grandmother always said that soap and water were cheap.... I've actually had people comment, when they see how many kids I have, "And they're all so clean!" There are many misconceptions about big families...

See how I just still sit here? Mariel is going to come upstairs, all ready to go, and kill me. No, not kill me....she went for a run, probably 3 or 4 miles, and took a shower, and is probably almost I must sign off.....rats, I think I hear Miss Camille...

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