summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, November 23, 2009

happy monday!

Or so I am telling myself. The house is a mess, the little girls have two sit'n spins, but both want the same one, Margaret just called from school with a bad stomach ache, can I pick her up? (Thankfully Abigail is here.....)

We are trying to choose our new insurance plan for the year, there are three terribly expensive ones to choose from. The out-of-pocket cost from each paycheck will rise substantially, and the new deductible will be $2000, with us paying 20% of everything after that. I did not ever consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but now I am wondering. People content with their insurance plans do not generally support the proposed government health-care, so these comfortable plans are disapearing. (when I see the way motor-vehicles is run, I want to scream, "You want the government running more stuff?? For example, in New York State, if one fails to pay a ticket, and loses his/her license, he/she cannot call the motor vehicle department to find out anything, he/she must go in and talk to them in person, with no driver's license. And they do not always let you know if your license has been suspended, it can be a big surprise if you get pulled over. Then they make you pay all kinds of extra fees to re-instate it, not caring in the least that the reason the person maybe didn't pay the ticket was because they didn't have the money in the first place. ) (It wasn't me, and I know people shouldn't get tickets in the first place, and if they do, they should just pay them...but the point is the way this system frustrating) Every single little program takes more money out of hard-working people's paychecks....

Well, I guess I need a good dose of thankfulness. I am thankful for Camille, in her red and white fuzzy polka-dotted footie jammies, she is hugging Rosie-the-big-stinky dog. I am thankful for Mirielle, who is helping so much around the house today. I am thankful for Camille, who just took off the cute pajamas, and is running around in her diaper, saying, "I am naked, I am naked!"

Christmas is coming, and I need to write my favorite Christmas poem, I do not know the author:

"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat,
Please put a penny in the old man's hat,
If you haven't got a penny, a half penny 'll do,
If you haven't got a half-penny, God bless YOU!"

Well, my break is over. Mirielle got up with the kids for me this morning, and I slept 'til after nine. I enjoyed it, but I am always afraid I am missing something....and now I feel like the morning has gone way too fast. I folded clothes and cleaned off counters and picked things up before I finally just sat down with some mini-wheats and my coffee. And I thought I would sneak in a few minutes of computer time. I now have to wake Mr Benjamin and take care of some things, and I really want to clean out my baking cupboard so it is more organized, and I would like to organize the presents I already bought so I know what to get for whom. And here I sit.....

1 comment:


Amen to the NY STATE MV dept. And how about those new homely plates we may be forced to buy next year.
This state is over taxed! (but i love it!)