summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, November 16, 2009

waiting for the kids to get home....

I made phone calls today. I vacuumed and cleaned up today. I mostly enjoyed the kids who were here (even if they are now adults, they are still my kids, so i call them kids), Abigail, Benjamin, Mirielle, Joseph, Samuel (he did not get up and go to school this morning, after being woken twice, so I thought he might be sick. Not so. He just didn't go. rr.), Margaret, who says she has a sore throat, but not bad enough for me to call the dr., hmm, and the two little girls. I was going to go to Sears and pick up the stacking kit for the washer/dryer, and take Joseph to the bank....but I decided to procrastinate. I need to be here when that second trip bus comes! I barely saw the younger kids all weekend. Sonja was with me at Walmart on Saturday night, that was fun. I just hope she doesn't tell all the secrets. She is a horrible secret keeper.

So, no going back now, but I didn't go walking yesterday or the day before, though I did walk around alot on Saturday. It is not the same as walking on our hilly road. I just realized that if I want to go, I should go before it gets dark.

Mirielle is making cookies....oh, it is nice to have her home. I am planning to have spaghetti tonight. We haven't had it in a while. I almost hate making it though, because it is our back-up meal....

Oh well...need to get moving....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

growing up we'd have spaghetti 3 times a week for dinner. Not even for budget reason (as far as I know) just because my dad was raised italian and we all love it. I could eat pasta almost everyday :)
Oh and your girls are welcome in France if they want to come back :)