summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, March 25, 2011


My sister and I had a discussion yesterday about the relationship between money and happiness. It seems that most people think that if they only had more money, they would be happier. Studies have shown this is simply not true.

The thing is, if we had more money, we could go on one of our new-found and delightful tropical get-aways EVERY YEAR.

And perhaps we could take all of the kids.

And on and on it goes...

Sometimes it isn't easy to be happy, despite how much I am blessed. Today I have a headache still. I simply don't feel great. Yet things still have to be done. I need to go to the store. (it is snowing out so much right now it is hard to see the trees in the back yard, spring must've been just kidding).....I am feeling kind of sad about some things that happened yesterday between myself and one of my daughters....a misunderstanding, yet she is so mad at me. I am either blind to myself, or just plain stupid, I do not see what the big deal is. It makes me feel uneasy and upset that she isn't happy with me. I am seeing more and more that I am the kind of person who wants everyone to like me. If a neighbor is upset about the dog, it makes me really upset. I also see that I don't feel "worthy" of praise or other's goodness. I have never felt that I am good enough....wah, I know, feeling sorry for my poor self...but I haven't really given in to total self-pity, I have noticed these thoughts and feelings, and told myself: Remember, it is GOD with whom you have to do. It is too easy to get dragged down by these things that have nothing to do with faithfulness.

Suzanne is home again today. I think we share the same ailment. I never did take my nap yesterday...I just did this and that and then it was dinner time. When the mom takes Downtime, someone has to take up the slack. Ashley is working full time, Mirielle is going to college full time, Aaron is in school and working and in the play....they are all so busy. The younger ones do help here and there, but wah, I want to take a nap! Maybe after school I will give them a snack and put in a movie, and take a nice nap...

Having Suze here is nice. She isn't really too sick, just a headache and a low-grade fever. She is lying on the couch dressing Barbies. The little girls have Barbies all over the floor. They are naming all their dolls now...Cinderella Celena Bo. Belle Roses Rose.

The sun is coming out and it is still was freezing last night. It is 25 right now, and going down to 15 tonight. Very cold, for spring. Especially because we had a tantalizing taste of the warmth.

I think I shall go lie down on the couch....

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