The airport, when I arrived on Saturday morning, was half empty. I breezed through the TSA pre-check line, only one in it, talked to the agents there about the strange time we are living in. There were a group of them standing around joking about the toilet paper shortage. At my gate, there were enough empty seats for social distancing, which is apparently the new thing. On the plane, I had the whole row to myself. The Chicago airport was rather quiet too, in that first pic was where I sat in my layover. I think the craziness started after that, so I'm glad I left when I did.
When President Trump mentioned a ban on travel from California the other day, I knew I had to get home.
Now San Francisco is pretty much locked down.
Here's the thing: the whole world is turned upside down. It is. There is no question about that. Now we have to decide how we want to live our days. We can be scared, or downright terrified, or we can battle against it and rest assured that God is in control.
We are all settled in and ready to stay home. The kids have their schoolwork...
Miss Cam all settled in to get things done.
We have some library books, and our pantry is stocked. We have food in the freezer, and if things get really bad, we'll actually eat the venison ha.
We should be praying for each other (for Marilyn who is traveling today!), and encourage one another to take life one day at a time, or even one moment at a time. Also, being thankful to God for all things, is a powerful weapon against anxiety!
Charlotte Claire, Camille, and I have ordered three puzzles from Walmart. One is a 1000 piece glitter puzzle that the girls are excited about. We also bought, shh, a fooze ball table (table soccer) for Paul's birthday which is coming up in a few weeks. We may decide to bring it out earlier, set it up right in the living room, and have some fun.
I have already bought Easter candy. We have coloring books. If the weather gets warmer, we can rake up the yard, clear out the flower box (the tulips are growing, so promising!), and putter around putting up some more solar lights. We are composting again, may as well plan for a garden, right?
I have been such an antsy person, always going here and there, so it's going to be a different life for a while, staying home. How about you?
Like you it seems as though I am always running errands for someone. I am thankful that we are still able to do a few things. I am worried about my daughter as she is a single parent and she works in a beauty salon in a nursing home where the patients are now confined to their rooms. I am sure she won't be working much longer and I am not sure what she will do.
Speaking of library books...our small library closed, thanks to the virus. My son, who works there, was sent home yesterday. It's just so sad...all of Hornell is shut down...I think prayer is a must, regardless of this crisis.
I am glad you are home safe and sound, grin. I hope you have a beautiful day, friend.
Welcome home!
The best place to be, right?
You sound as if you have things all set for the foreseeable future.
I am a homebody by nature, yet the idea of not having anywhere to go is strange.
I am trying to keep things as close to normal as possible here.
I hope you have a cozy evening, my friend.
Welcome back! I'm sure you are very happy to have missed the craziness of the airports! I have some angst because I don't think the way some Americans are acting over this . I get that people are mad but it just takes a few who spew their words of such hatred everywhere to ruin things for everyone who are following what their suppose to be doing.
Like I said on FB this morning, if everyone who has kids would look at this as a time to really get to know their kids or explain to them why they are home. Give them structured things to do while in the house. Teach them how to do things they or you wouldn't know how to do. Thats what we are focused on the next few weeks. Making bunnies out of cotton balls, we made cookies , we've done origami and made paper airplanes. Fun things! And they love it!
Everyone just needs to embrace what we're in at the moment. This to shall pass.
Enjoy your home time! :)
Hi Della 👋 We made it home safe and sound and thank you for your prayers. The airports weren’t crazy at all! We were there at 4am though, but Phoenix is a huge airport. I have such kind friends and family who went out and got us some groceries........I had nothing in the fridge as we were to be gone for almost 6 weeks. Anyhow, it is what it is, I hope I can do the same for someone after my 14 days are over. Have a wonderful time with the kids 🥰
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
So glad you made it home.
God IS in control.
Thank you for this post as well as your comments on my blog today. Your counsel is good -- trusting the Lord for this and taking just one day (or moment!) at at time. It sounds like you are well-prepared for [whatever].
You have a beautiful family. My son and his wife have 9, so we understand some of your large family dynamics.
I'm so happy you made it home safe and sound. It's time to hunker down as much as possible and embrace our people.
Poor California has been hit; I hope your family stays healthy too.
We are doing well here; Florida hasn't been so bad at least where we are on the West Coast. The East Coast has had some bigger clusters and they're shutting down the beaches in Fort Lauderdale for a bit. Probably a good idea.
Enjoy the puzzles and foosball.
Well, I thought life wouldn't change a whole lot for me, homeschool mom and all that. But my mother-in-law passed away on Sunday, putting us in that group of people who need to have a funeral this week! It is surreal. We'll have the close family members in, bury on Friday, and plan a big homegoing celebration for the summer, Lord willing.
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