($2.98 at Aldi, so why not?)
The evil Kisses...trickery, I tell you! So small and harmless, ha.
Tennyson, aka Tenny Ten Ten....
Page, Camille, Sonja K., then Amanda and Charlotte Claire across, at our Christmas concert yesterday.
Elise with just a few desserts...
Patty and Page, and Abigail...
Paul and Benjamin...
Sonja and Mariel...
Mariel, Margaret, friend Page, and Emily sang a son...
Cookies! I made a small batch!
This fine morning, Sonja K. and I are going on an adventure, to Bass Pro shop to buy a gift for Paul. I don't think he reads this, but I'm still not saying what it is, which may be a bad thing because they sell boats and four wheelers, and we aren't getting either of those ha.
We had a nice dinner last night of taco salad, Paul chops things up so nicely when he helps with dinner. Emily and Abigail came over, and Margaret and Adrian and the boys. It was great fun. We were trying to plan Christmas Eve food, and it went like this:
Me: I think barbecued meatballs in the crockpot, and mozzarella sticks in the air fryer.
Margaret: you want to cook an egg in the air fryer?
Me: No, I said...
Emily: Wait, what are we having on Christmas Eve?, I think I'll bring buttered chicken.
Charlotte Claire: Why are we having eggs in the air fryer?
And so it went, sillier and sillier, then we retired from the dinner table to the living room, and The Sound of Music was on, which some of the younger girls had never watched. It's such a good movie. It was during the movie that we texted each other and decided what to get for Paul, so funny, as he was sitting right there.
It's cold cold cold here this morning, brr.
I do not really want to get dressed and drive to Bass Pro, but...we'll get a coffee and make it fun....
Wait, no boat or 4 wheelers/ Awe shuckssssssssss. grin. Have a beautiful Merry Christmas my friend. smiles
It is always a fun visit here! I can only imagine what it is like to visit in person!! Keep us posted when you can on that gift from Bass Pro! Tacos sound SO good. Have a great week ahead! Merry Christmas! xo
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