summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

free, I'm free, out of quarantine, free free free!...and a new STROLLER!!!

 It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, too!

...frost on the watering can...

The blue skies:  yes!!!

The new stroller:  if you know me at all, it's no surprise that I bought a stroller yesterday.  I have a slight mental illness concerning strollers, a wee addiction.   If I were to list all the strollers I have owned, it would probably hover around 50, but jeepers, not all at the same time!  THAT would be crazy!  I gave them away, sold them, mostly gave them away.  

So Margaret has two little boys, and is moving into a house in a nice neighborhood, right near the river, near the lake, near a playground, near a she was thinking it's time for a double stroller.  I started looking, for her, on Marketplace, and yesterday, wow, a nice appeared, so I messaged Natasha, who agreed to take $125 for this beauty:

It is a beast.  It's heavy and bulky, but oh dear, it pushes like magic.  Natasha said she could put a 3 year old and a 5 year old in it, and push with one hand while drinking her coffee.  She sold it with a car seat adapter, and a really nice rain cover.  It's all-terrain, it'll go over grass, gravel, bumpy sidewalks.  I wouldn't want to fold it up and bring it everywhere, but a trip to the zoo, it would be nice.  Wulf mostly walks, but little boys get tired.

It's the cleanest used stroller I've ever bought.  I took the seat covers off and washed them, and wiped everything else down, but it's so clean and well taken care of.   

They cost over $700, close to $800 new, this one is seven years old, but you can't tell.  

It was a good day to be out of quarantine!

Today, the little girls are at school, in person, real school.  Miss Sonja is doing classes online today, and Paul is again working from home.  He is a bit crushed about how tired he still is, hopes he sometime gets back to normal, but he's also very thankful that he is on the mend.  It's probably like the after effects of a bad migraine, you're jubilant that the wickedness of the intense pain has lessened, but you also feel like garbage because they take so much out of you, and that lingering little throbbing takes so long to go away.

My agenda today is to go bye bye, just because I can.  I do actually have a few errands, but still.  I can.  I won't lie, I've been a few places.  It's overkill that you have to stay in for TEN DAYS after the person who was positive gets the green light to go back into society.   We all mask and social distance anyway...

There's not much else going on.  I did lift my weights and do some push-ups yesterday, I'm in horrible shape.  I have just been so blah about it all.  But I won't give up.  It's apparent that waiting 'til I feel like it won't work, because I'm never going to feel like it.   If there were a Sit in Your Chair competition, I'd get first prize, the gold medal.  Relax and Put Your Feet Up, I'd get the grand prize.  I can lie in bed and read, lounge on the deck, and am an expert at sitting at the kitchen table while I cut up the veggies.  My feet are tired, and I like to give them a break.  But I'm not getting any younger, so I had better start to move it before I lose it, right? I go...things to do, places to go!


Unknown said...

Good morning 😊 That stroller is LOVELY! What a nice mum you are to buy it for Margaret................🥰

Well I would give you a good run for the gold medal Della.........some days worse than others. Then I have a chat to myself and get my lazy butt moving 🤣🤣🤣🤣

We have blue sky too.........I just LOVE it.......and actually hot on our front porch. I fell asleep out there yesterday.........I hope I wasn’t drooling 🤤. That would be attractive for people passing to see!!!

Have a lovely day out and about.

Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

Joybells said...

I'm so happy to hear that you are free!!!! Good job on the stroller too. My mom is always looking out for deals for us girls and our littles. It's so sweet and sometimes she finds some good stuff!

In other news...I FOUND THE THING!!! Two checks for $3600, phew! We spring cleaned and organized for 3 days, looking for it, but no luck. And then it popped up in a drawer that I had already looked in. But in the meantime I had to go humbly to the person involved and ask for grace because I lost the checks. Grace was extended, and I am thankful, and not quite the know-it-all that I was before, LOL.

Enjoy the beautiful sunny day!!!

Joy from Salem

Terri D said...

Great find on that double stroller! Wow! Glad you are out of quarantine and sure hope Paul gets his mojo back soon! Keep us posted!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Praise God! 🙏🏼

Anonymous said...

I've lately been using the excuse 'I'll really get moving-active-exercise in May'. Homeschool will be done by then, more days will be consistently warm, etc. See, that gives me almost a whole month to put it off, er, to get READY. Ha.
We can do it, Della. 'Just do it.'😊

Susan said...

“If there were a Sit in Your Chair competition, I'd get first prize, the gold medal. Relax and Put Your Feet Up, I'd get the grand prize”.
I am laughing so hard! Della, I love that you never take yourself too seriously.
That stroller is the Mercedes of strollers! I had no idea they could be so pricey, you certainly got a great deal

Linda said...

So, your free now? F.r.e.e. is the word of the day? (grinning and being funny, lololol)---I do hope you have a beautiful day my friend.