Jon loves his cousin, Grace....
Suzanne was excited about her presents, of course....she had 6 friends over....
This huge bag of candy was from Uncle Billy.....

This huge bag of candy was from Uncle Billy.....
Camille is getting big enough to join the fun. They went in the hot tub while she napped, though....

Then, the party was over, and I drove Sam's friend home, and six little girls....when you live out in the country, it can be a long was almost 40 miles to drive them all home and back.
Suzanne got her wish and had hot dogs and boxed macaroni and cheese. I cooked up 4 lbs. of hot dogs and 5 boxes of mac.and cheese, and they went through 3 bags of chips. Then they had ice cream floats and home made chocolate chip cookies....I first packed up some for Suzanne to bring to school tomorrow, to celebrate her birthday there. I made a double batch, and there are maybe 6 cookies left.
Mirielle, Mali, and Margaret are home from Ottowa now. I totally forgot that today is Mirielle's 19th birthday. How can my 4th oldest be so old? I did not get her anything.....I was so busy with Suzanne's birthday, I kind of forgot. Oops. Well, I remembered it yesterday, but that does not count.
It was a total waste of time to clean the house before all those kids came over. Some of the little girls just love our dollhouse stuff, so they get alot of it out. Add that to the candy that Suzanne shared with them, (wrappers)......and then all the other stuff that got dragged out...what fun.
I made them up some very decent prize bags, which I handed out right before they left, while they were at the table having their floats. They got to look through them, then I took the girls home before they lost everything.....
While I was gone they talked to Emily from Norway with the webcam. Rats, I missed it. I miss her.
I cannot believe that vacation's over already. Back to the dreaded school tomorrow. I have to get their clothes out.....oh, and I have to get up in the morning....a few of them get up on their own, but some I have to drag out of bed....on mornings that I get all 9 school kids on the bus, I do breathe a nice sigh of relief. But do not get me wrong. I am not relieved to get them out of the house, oh contraire....I love to have them around....
Well, the little school kids are tucked in, just the older ones are up, and Charlotte Claire and is still quite busy around here.....I am tired. I do like birthdays, and I love all the kids over, but it is nice to sit down and relax....which I can't really do yet, but I'm doing it anyway.....Camille took a late nap, so I can't officially relax anytime soon.
Happy Birthday Suzanne and Mirielle!
Suzanne looks like she had a great time, what fun having all those kids over, (but not the mess ;-)lol )
It is so much easier now that my oldest has her license. I can have her drive everyone to school in shifts and not have to either drag myself and them out of bed or drive them myself. That is Anne's responsibility now. She wants to drive my car, she has to drive her siblings to school. She hates to take the bus-it's very crowded and she gets car sick easily.
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