From the deck....
Our Christmas tree, still on the deck....

This is the woodpile...we don't like to keep it too close to the they dig out the wood....

This is the woodpile...we don't like to keep it too close to the they dig out the wood....
Now, this is sad....and it also looks a little dangerous. Suzanne made the loop for her webkin, but it looks scary to me....they are not going out until we fix that!
Joseph thought Camille looked nice in these shorts....
Camille was giving Jon a nice pat on the head....

Camille was giving Jon a nice pat on the head....
She really wanted to get her chunky little rear into that doll stroller...

don't tell Mirielle I put this up here....she was Camille's friend tonight....
Charlotte Claire was still full of energy at bed time....

Sam likes to give Camille bed time kisses....

We had to go shopping today. We were out of bread. And low on milk. And low on diapers. I picked Mali, Margaret, and Kathryn up early from school, and took them with me. Mirielle stayed home with the little ones. It was right smack in the middle of nap time, so it was nice not to bring them.....
Charlotte Claire was still full of energy at bed time....
Sam likes to give Camille bed time kisses....
We had to go shopping today. We were out of bread. And low on milk. And low on diapers. I picked Mali, Margaret, and Kathryn up early from school, and took them with me. Mirielle stayed home with the little ones. It was right smack in the middle of nap time, so it was nice not to bring them.....
We spent quite a bit of money in the grocery store, but the manager had to be called over because we saved too much. It has never not happened to us in that store. I used some coupons, and bought mostly what was on sale. We got apples, bananas, grapefruit, bread, milk, eggs, juice, cereal, 3 roasts, 2 packages of porkchops, butter, cheese, bacon, diapers, popcorn, yogurt (18 of them, which seems like a lot, but....)pancake mix, poptarts (so awful, but the high school kids love to have the chocolate ones to grab in the morning when they're in a hurry, and they were on sale and I had a coupon), ham, spinach, orange juice, V-8 juice, toothpaste,......and stuff. Two full carts of stuff.
I need to get to bed earlier tonight...I have been dragging today....I stayed up way too late, got into bed around 1:30, Camille thought she was a newborn, and woke up and wanted to nurse 3 different times, and then I got up at seven for the nap, either...I was shopping. So here I sit...I need to go get the kids clothes out and get moving along to bed...
I just love your blog, and thought I would share that with you. You are cute, simple, yet very real...and I catch myself grinning when I read your blog as many a times I can relate to what you are sharing! ;^)
from one mom to another,
Oh, your kiddies are so cute! I know how you feel about dragging. We have company staying at our apartment. 4 extra people...taking over our little bitty space and I end up staying up too late, and i have to share my bed with my roommate so that there's enough room for everyone else. So it's me, roommate, and dog, all sharing a bed. I haven't slept in 4 days. AHHH!
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