Camille dislocated her elbow. I am not good in these situations. I felt so sorry for her I started crying. Poor sweetie....I thought it was a broken wrist the way she was holding the arm...she was hysterical when she moved the arm at all...the bad thing is that today we went shopping at three stores, and she only napped a bit in the van, and was a big fuss this afternoon. She would cry about everything, and wouldn't go to sleep in her nice little bed, I tried twice. Her arm wasn't hurt then, she was just tired. Then the girls took her outside while I did got dinner ready. Next thing I know, it is dinner time, and she just wouldn't stop crying. Apparently she had fallen on the trampoline. Mirielle said she thought something was wrong with her arm, so I took her out to the living room to hold her while the others ate dinner. It seemed like a broken arm or wrist.... Mali volunteered to go to the hospital with me. We broke the law and had Mali hold her in the back seat of the minivan.

I think she was almost going to go to sleep here....Mali's arms were getting tired, because if she moved Camille, Camille would cry....

Anyway, the doctor was so calm cool and collected as she manuvered the arm back into place. She then offered Camille a popsicle, which she held her hand out to accept. Just like magic. I was going to call this post "The Fifty Dollar Popsicle"..., the co-pay. So, just another reminder to always keep your hair clean and your kids dressed cute, 'cause you never know.
So the lemon-pepper marinated baked in seasoned breadcrumbs chicken breast with fresh sweet corn dinner I made was enjoyed by all, all but Mali, Camille, and I. They nicely saved us some.
Well, another busy day here in busy town. (Richard Scarry)
Oh here we're famous for stitches:)
what a nice big sister by the way!
Oh poor baby. That is sooo painful.
That is the blessing of older siblings, to help out and comfort the little ones. You are so blessed with your beautiful kids.
The poor little pumpkin! Glad she's okay! How strange to have a fall cause a dislocation!
Oh, the fall may not have caused the dislocation, it may have been one of her sisters pulling her back up after a fall. I am not sure. I tell the kids quite frequently to not pull at the little arms, or to swing them by their arms. Emily had this happen to her when she was two, so we are conscious that this can happen...but...they probably pulled her up. (oh, how I wince when I see people pick their kids up by their hands, or swing them around....ouch)(and I sometimes wonder if I should tell them what might happen...)
Did they say it was a dislocation, or was it 'nurse maids elbow' (a partial dislocation)? My little girl has had that 5 times, and when it happens once they are prone to it more easily the next time until they are 5! Just a warning in case beautiful Camille had the same!
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