summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

shall we go to the park?

Emily, my oldest daughter, has been working alot lately. 12 hour shifts, days on end in a row with no break. She works hard, being an R.N. on the post-surgical/trauma floor. It isn't just the physical toll of working long hours and sleeping during the day, then working the odd day when she is used to sleeping....she has a few days off, and says she needs a "Mental Health Day". So....she has asked us if we want to go to the park.

Now I normally wouldn't recommend a day with our family to someone who needs a Mental Health Break, there are some in our family who need one of those FROM the family. But Emily lives down the road in a nice little apartment, and she isn't here for the day-to-day craziness anymore. She also has good memories of those days of piling into the van for adventure.

So today I shall pile them in, take them to the library, then to the park for a picnic. We are supposed to leave soon....but those teenagers are still sleeping...I have been up for hours, taken Rosie for her walk, packed lunch, and had breakfast....

Today, I shall....

1. remember the camera, and take lots of pictures.

2. be careful what I morning weigh-in was promising, I am down 29 pounds now.

3. walk and play with the kids, no sitting in my chair while they run around.

4. be patient.

5. stop at K-Mart and buy them a volleyball, bringing them all in, of course.

6. be patient. I shall begin the task of waking the bears.....since the little ones are fed and dressed and chomping at the bit....

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