summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

warm warm morning

But I am not complaining. No sir, not I. On my lovely walk this morning, I appreciated the nice day. The humidity brings out the smells of things, and when those things are the grasses and wild flowers, it is pleasant. Further down the road up the Evil Hill, the fields smell strongly of dirt, which I also like. The woods smell swampy and tree-y, like camping. It is always shady through the woods. The birds are singing continuously, and the squirrels scamper when they see Rosie coming. Rosie is the only bad component of the morning walk. SHE thinks it is a morning PULL. She is so strong and energetic...blah. On the way down the road, I let her go full-leash and sniff everything and go potty and eat grass....then on the way back, I double her leash up and make her walk next to me. She does not like this, she likes being in front. I don't like to let her pull, I yank and stop and try to get her to walk relaxed next to me. I seriously want to just get her stuffed one of these days. No, not seriously.

Today I wish I could say I am staying home, but alas, someone has to go get new hoses for the pool. It is one third full of green water, and looks quite hopeless. We need to fill it and shock it and skim it.....I cannot wait to go swimming right in the back yard!!!

Why do the school planners/officials think it is okay and fine and dandy to have an elementary event and a high school event on the same night? Tonight is the TinWhistle concert for Suzanne, and the Senior Dinner for Aaron and Mali. Should I just cut myself in half? Instead, Paul and I are cutting ourselves in half...he gets the TinWhistle concert, I get the dinner. Since I bought three tickets, I chose Mirielle and Evelyn to go with me.

Aaron and Mali made a cake last night for the Senior Dinner. At ten o'clock I told them to stop sitting around and discussing what they should make, and just get moving. When I went to bed, I could smell chocolate. When I woke up, under the glass cake dome, there was a white frosted double layer cake...

So today...hoses for the pool from the pool store. Shock from Walmart, it is cheaper, although for some reason it costs me like a hundred bucks just to walk into that store....then to Aldi for fruit and veggies...and to mail a college book back for Mirielle....bring back some Redbox movies....I sure hope someone cleans the house while I am gone, ha.

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