Superman with Suzanne, a teacher.
Charlotte Claire, the tired little kitty....(in McDonalds after trick or treating in 3 neighborhoods)
Superman sucking his thumb, Sonja (Fancy Nancy), and Grace (their cousin, my dear niece's daughter) as a McDonalds....

Superman sucking his thumb, Sonja (Fancy Nancy), and Grace (their cousin, my dear niece's daughter) as a McDonalds....
Kathryn the pirate with pink boots.
Superman sure is in alot of he is with Emily the Environmentalist. She was going to a girls' party after our trick-or-treating, and they had to dress as something using the first letter of their name....

Samuel, some kind of non-commisioned officer....with Camille Claus, and Charlotte Kitty....

He had the time of his life tonight...his favorite take: an old man gave him a baggie with a $10 Japanese dollar from world war II....and a few old German coins.....the poor old man. It made me sad. The coins were carded and carefully labeled. He sure picked the right boy to give some to......I told Sam he probably would have had some interesting stories to tell, the old man.

We took the kids to a nice neighborhood, seeing that most of our neighbors are corn fields and cows. Then, back into the van to another they ate candy all the way there...they went to quite a few houses, then back into the more neighborhood, just a few streets, and they were giving up. Sonja had to go to the bathroom and her ankles hurt....Margaret didn't feel well. Charlotte Claire wanted to be carried. Oh, she was so funny. She enjoyed herself so much. She liked walking through the leaves, the night was so warm and mild. Just going up people's porch steps, and seeing the Jack-o-lanterns were big deals for her. She didn't really know what it all was, but when she said , "Trick-or-Treat", they gave her candy! She mostly took it in her hand, and said thank-you....then took great pleasure in going down the steps, one jump at a time. Oh, to be two years old and enjoy life so. No thought of getting to the next house, or gathering up alot of candy. That's why I love having so many kids.
Superman sure is in alot of he is with Emily the Environmentalist. She was going to a girls' party after our trick-or-treating, and they had to dress as something using the first letter of their name....
Samuel, some kind of non-commisioned officer....with Camille Claus, and Charlotte Kitty....
He had the time of his life tonight...his favorite take: an old man gave him a baggie with a $10 Japanese dollar from world war II....and a few old German coins.....the poor old man. It made me sad. The coins were carded and carefully labeled. He sure picked the right boy to give some to......I told Sam he probably would have had some interesting stories to tell, the old man.
We took the kids to a nice neighborhood, seeing that most of our neighbors are corn fields and cows. Then, back into the van to another they ate candy all the way there...they went to quite a few houses, then back into the more neighborhood, just a few streets, and they were giving up. Sonja had to go to the bathroom and her ankles hurt....Margaret didn't feel well. Charlotte Claire wanted to be carried. Oh, she was so funny. She enjoyed herself so much. She liked walking through the leaves, the night was so warm and mild. Just going up people's porch steps, and seeing the Jack-o-lanterns were big deals for her. She didn't really know what it all was, but when she said , "Trick-or-Treat", they gave her candy! She mostly took it in her hand, and said thank-you....then took great pleasure in going down the steps, one jump at a time. Oh, to be two years old and enjoy life so. No thought of getting to the next house, or gathering up alot of candy. That's why I love having so many kids.
We never did have dinner tonight, until we went to McDonalds at I don't even want to say what time. They had some snacks after school, and were much too excited for much else. Then, they were eating candy.....but still, I get the bad mommy award. But if you could measure their happiness, I would get a blue ribbon. We went into McD's, used the bathroom, and they all got to pick either a chicken sandwich or a double cheeseburger ($1 menu), and I got some fries for them to share, plus an ice water each...(free).......the lady behind the counter asked me if they were all my kids, and I said all but one.....she asked how many I had, and I said 16. She did not believe me. It may have had something to do with how funny I looked, don't ask, but she did not believe me. She said she had never heard of anyone having that many kids. So, apparently she went up to my sister, who was with me, and asked her if it was true.....
Well, we got home and got Charlotte Claire into bed, she had already slept all the way home in the van, but she was pretty tired. The other kids dumped their candy into piles all over the living room floor. This is apparently the "funnest" part. I had them pick up and vacuum before we left this afternoon in anticipation of this event. I wanted to take a picture, but my camera was broken.
So here I am, thankful they had a nice time. I sure did.