Charlotte Claire on the playground at the conference was warm, sunny, 70 degrees....

She was Miss Independence....

Samuel and Margaret went for a walk yesterday, and took my camera...I guess they also took Sam's airsoft guns....if you don't know what these are, don't panic. They don't hurt. They shoot soft foam pellets, the size of they are....Sam and Margaret....

We do live on a very nice road....

These nice Indian summer days (or do we have to say Native American summer?) are is supposed to stay nice for a few more days, even getting up to 80 degrees by Tuesday. It's hard to believe the snow and wind and ice are coming......
It's supposed to be in the low 80's tomorrow and Tuesday here in Virginia. I'm waiting for the first hard freeze to kill the plants we are allergic to.
Charlotte Claire is getting SO big! I love the piggy tails.
I love Indian Summer (and I love the name too). Today was too nice to stay inside but that is what I did. A head cold sent me to bed for the afternoon. :(
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