My daughter Kathryn called 911 a few years back, Margaret told her to when they were playing....ha,, ha,,....the police sent someone out. A cop. Knocking at the door. At that moment, whoever was the toddler had just taken off all his clothes and dragged a chair over to the kitchen sink....then came the knock...I told the officer that my 8 year old daughter had done it....he asked to talk to her, and she was so upset and scared....he told her it wasn't funny at all. And he mentioned that their policy was to send the police out to check things out whenever they get that 911, today I knew they were coming. And I started feeling like I had something to hide. Like they were going to search the house or something. Can they arrest you for a messy laundry room? Anyway, this time I was prepared......I put my hair up neatly, and changed out of my ridiculously short around the house skirt, brushed my teeth, changed Camille out of the half'snapped sleeper she was crawling around in, and got it picked up and vacuumed in here....and no one showed up. So, we decided to go out in the sunshine for a little walk.....
Sunny, but quite chilly.......
On the way home from our walk, I didn't even stop at the stone throwing creek, because I thought if one of the kids fell in and I had to call 911.....
We got home and I was kind of glad it happened.....when Camille made the call, I was sitting here with Jonathan and Charlotte Claire on either side of me watching car crashes on YouTube.....and now, the place is all cleaned up.....Camille and Charlotte Claire are in for their naps, Jon is watching channel 24, and I need to go do some LAUNDRY......ugh....
Anyway, the moral of this story is: Always keep your hair clean, and the house relatively picked up, because you never know when one of YOUR kids will call 911.....
It's amazing she got the combination correct - over here it's 000 - much, much too easy for a baby to dial when playing with a phone.
Glad you're all OK - hope the laundry got done (I know my pile is never ending - I can't imagine how much you have - how many washing machines do you have?)
hahaha! so funny!!
When I was younger I met this girl at my brother's pee wee baseball game. She was not a girl who liked to follow rules. She was older, so when she said "come here, I want to show you something" like a dummy I followed. So she takes me to this pay phone across the little park where my brother was playing. she tells me I have to hold the phone, and turn my back to the part where you dial...and then I had to tell a joke to the person who answered. I was an idiot kid, so I agreed. Guess what number she called...yeah. 911. So they answer "911 what is your emergency." I hung up and ran back to where my mom was. I was scared for WEEKS that the police would find out it was me and arrest me. MEAN GIRL. I never hung out with her again. Everytime she asked I would say, "no! you're trying to get me arrested!"
LOL -- at least you got your house cleaned up. I don't know why, but I'm always nervous when I drive by a cop . . . I think they are going to pull me over even though I'm going the speed limit.
Haha, i had to laugh :-) My kids have caslled emergency too after playing with the phone, tankfully no one has ever shown up though...
I had a little chuckle at the comment you left me... 'First ? im never doing that again , LMAO...
Cassandra xx
By the way, I really did re-size your header picture for you and I'd love to send it your way. I don't know if you saw my other comment but you can email me at handsfullmom @ and I will send it over.
Oh boy...I've only had 1 kid dial 911 so far. I took the phone away from him and heard the 911 operator talking about an emergency as I hung up the phone quickly before realizing I should've said everything's okay. I guess I didn't want to waste the operator's time or whatever. No police ever showed up here. It is amazing that they manage to dial those 3 numbers out of all the number combinations!
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