Jonathan is watching Calliou, Camille is crawling/walking around, and humming and saying "ba, ba, da da..."
And here I sit. I do have things to do.
I have to answer the following question, from Janis: what stroller to bring to Disney, with a cupholder, snacktray, reclining seat.....
my answer: I would use the opportunity to go buy a new one, because I love new strollers....I have only been to Disney once, when we had five kids. We only took #5, Joseph, who was 5 months old, because it was a conference Paul went to for work, and I got to go along....anyway, at the time, we were building our house, and we had to decide what color to side the house. White was the cheapest. And I had a stroller in mind that I wanted to buy for our trip. So I suggested that we get white siding, and I use the money we "saved" to buy my stroller. It was 17 1/2 years ago, and the stroller was a Graco, light blue leatherette, with a full boot was very cushy and nice, and I wish I still had it....I did with it what I have done with many strollers through the years....I gave it away....only to visit the recipients a few years later and see it dismantled and destroyed in their garage.....broke my heart......the strollers then did not have snack trays or cup holders. Other than that, it was a great reclined fully, and with that boot on, he was sheltered in the cool airconditioned buildings, and with the huge hood, shaded from the sun.....anyway.......if I had to pick one of mine to bring, I would take the Peg-Perego Aria. It is very light, I think 11 pounds, it has a snack tray, (although no adult drink holder, those can be bought and attached), it reclines, has a big basket underneath. The only thing is, like most strollers now, the footrest is non-existent. I do not know how or why those got phased out.....I hate seeing sleeping toddlers with their feet hanging, I would forgo the snack tray for the more cushy Peg-Perego Venezia, which has a nice footrest, a full snap -on boot, and pushes relatively nice.....I would probably bring the Inglesina Zippy, which pushes GREAT, has a nice full hood, reclines, but has a minimal footreast, and since mine is an older model, has no front tray..Combi makes some nice little travel strollers, I have an older model, 7 lb, nice big hood, no footrest, folds up small.....this would be a good traveling stroller, not the most comfy for a child for too long, but extremely of the nicest strollers I have had is the Aprica...but it has something broken inside, and seems to list to one if it were me, I would bring the Inglesina Zippy....(if space, weight were of no object, I would bring a big bouncy pram, I love how the baby/toddler is high up and protected....especially because you can face it towards you, and not use a defenseless young child as a crowd-breaker) anyway, Janis, you can email me at, and I can maybe get rid of a stroller!
Well, the day rolls on....I started this post hours ago....and here I am again, attempting to finish it....I have 3 items I am bound and determined to put up on ebay today.....and sorry Paul, they ain't strollers! And now it is suddenly time to start dinner.....I did take some chicken out today, but it is still pretty frozen. It takes about 5 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast to cover us shall I prepare it? I can take the easy way out, and put it in the oven with some olive oil and cajun spice....then separate it as it cooks.....and serve it with some rice and veges.....yeah, that sounds good.
I am just recovering from a pounding headache, which I took 2 ibuprofen for....and I just realized why I have it.....Camille won the keep-the-coffee-away-from-Camille game this morning when I was doing girls' hair.....and I never got around to getting a new cup. Thankfully, the coffee was no longer hot when she won the game....
So, I have had another cup, my head still hurts, and I still have to make dinner. Poor me. But I'll tell you something, it looks festive in here. I did get up off my lazy rear yesterday and orchestrate some decorating. Aaron says he hates Christmas, he says it's all about shopping. I guess that means he really doesn't want the Ipod touch......which I don't think he's getting anyways.....Charlotte is going to be so excited....I do love watching the little ones open their stuff.....I bought a cool Cabbage Patch doll after Christmas last year for $8something, regular $32.99......she comes with a lollipop that leaves a messy face that washes off with a special cloth....I found it in the closet yesterday, I had forgotten about it.....I love that.
Well, the dinner isn't getting cooked by, headache or no, here I go....
1 comment:
I love the way you talk about strollers and prams Della, I love collecting them and getting new ones too and i think if i was allowed i'd have a whole garage full but Joe would probably kill me LOL,
Thanks for leaving your lovely comment on my blog, you made my day saying you'd come pick me up to get some coffee and go shopping :-)and i dont think your greedy to want another one , i completey understand the longing for more little babies ;-)
Cassandra xx
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