summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, March 22, 2010

another lazy day, ha... our company is on a day trip to Niagra Falls and Toronto, so I rainy day, sort of quiet.....just catch up on some laundry, get some towels clean and folded, and clean up the house a some playdough with the girls...

But: Emily and Abigail had some company at their apartment last night. Three different Norwegian girls who were passing through town on the way from New York City to Toronto. They also had four friends who had stayed with another friend....they all went shopping with Emily and Abigail...and then here for dinner! I don't remember all their names, but there was a Camilla and a Lise and another Stine. They were all lovely, and very nice. Our little ones loved them immediately.

After they all left, it was bedtime for the younger ones, except for Camille who is still up. Phew, what a day... but I did sneak in and take a little rest after I found out they were coming....I can't sleep when I know I have lots to do when I get up, but I had stayed up late late late talking to Benjamin last night, and I was so tired this morning. So that little rest was nice.

Tomorrow I am taking Ben up to talk to the Navy and AirForce recruiters. It is hard on my poor soul, I can cry just thinking about it.

So it is raining and raining here in the Northeast, which makes for a wet and stinky and muddy Rosie. Why, oh why did I want a dog so badly? And why did I insist she be an inside dog? She just had a bath the other day, and one would never know it.

Well, I cannot concentrate for anything tonight, there is still too much going on....I am trying to remember that the minute I think my trials here are too much, they become too much...but when I believe God, that He weighs and measures things for my very best, then things are just right.....

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