summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

just jonny and I....

The little girls are still sleeping, which is one perk for letting them stay up so late. Sometimes when the older kids come home from something, and the little ones are in bed they ask if they can wake them up....uh, no. But we usually like having them up at night, they get lots of attention...and I like having them sleep in in the morning, I have this time to sit here on the computer getting NOTHING accomplished.

Abigail wants to go shopping with me today or tomorrow, but Mr. Jon is sick...he woke up crying this morning. He has a cough and a cold. And I don't know if Miss Charlotte Claire is going to need a dr. visit. So I just have to wait and see. Joseph doesn't work today, so he could watch someone for me but I don't want to leave sick kids.

It is Benjamin and Sam's fault that Rosie is a bad dog. Last night, when Rosie ran by, Sam tripped her. I admit, it was funny, Rosie is the clumsiest dog ever, and her back legs were tripped up by Sam's feet and her nose hit the floor and she looked so puzzled....but then Ben called her over and popped a plastic bag, which frightened her, and when she ran away, Sam tripped her again. They were laughing their heads off, but I was getting upset. The stupid dog rarely comes when called as it is! rrr. It didn't really hurt her, but come on!! I try to train her and teach her and then they go and do things like that. Right now she is in her cage, finishing off a yummy bone I got her with a good coupon. I always put her in her cage before the kids go out to the bus so she doesn't escape and go visit the neighbors and herd the bus. She goes willingly into the cage, and takes her morning nap in there. It has been her den since we got her, and she likes it. It helps that I always give her a treat when she goes in there, I guess.

It is supposed to be 75 degrees and sunny on Friday, Good Friday, which the kids have off from school. Mirielle and I were thinking beach, not for swimming obviously, since Lake Ontario probably still has some ice in it, brr...but for sunning and sand playing....but Emily, who has the day off, sort of, (she works days, then gets switched to nights, so she works Friday is really hard for her)...she should try to sleep on Friday, but she wants to take the kids to this waterfalls they like to hike to. Not the two little girls, but the rest of them. How can I turn that down? They love spending the day with Emily, Miss Adventurer. It is amazing to me that I have a daughter, 25 years old, a nurse, responsible, fun-loving, and willing to do things like that with the kids. It is nothing I have done, but because God has been so good, and she has learned to give of herself. I am not bragging about her, seriously, I am in awe of the work God has done in her.

Well.....I am wondering, do I have to do a closing paragraph each time I exit a post? Or can I just end abrubtly? It is like on Facebook, when someone starts a I have to make an excuse to get out of there, or can I just say, BYE.....? It is almost harder than getting off the phone.....

I don't really wish I had a maid or a servant, but right about now I would love it if someone brought me a second cup of coffee, hot and steamy, with a hot cinnamon roll, while we're dreaming....and a blanket, it is chilly in here. But of course I am kidding myself, I need to get moving. Rosie needs to be brought outside again, and I am elected.

1 comment:

Joni said...

Oh, just be free to end any way you like - it's your blog! And many of us obviously come back every day to see how things are in your house! :-) Oh, that coffee ... tho' it's already almost evening in Finland, I might go make some coffee ... I remember once my niece put a dash of cinnamon in with the grounds and then the coffee was such a treat. I think I'll try that just now!