"Is it broken? Are you sure?" Okay...I was driving, just pulling into the mall. Our insurance covers the optical dr. at the Sears in the big mall 40 minutes from our house. Margaret answered my phone when it rang, because I was driving and it is against the law to talk on the phone while driving in New York state. So...I only heard her end of the conversation. Until I grabbed the phone from her hand, that is. It was Joseph, Mr. Calm-Cool-Collected himself. He simply stated with certainty that Suzanne broke her finger. Okay, I thought, fingers aren't too bad. Call Dad, I said, he can decide if she needs to go to the E.R.
After all, I had to call three times to get these appointments, working around schedules and basketball games...
Anyway, Paul took her to the dr. who thinks it might indeed be broken, taped it up and said to get x-rays done today.
Today I also have to get my pre-op stuff done at the hospital, bloodwork and and e.k.g. Fun times. Charlotte Claire is still very pale and low-key, so I will leave her with Camille and Joseph, who thankfully isn't working these days.
Maybe Suze and I will do something fun like sneak somewhere for lunch.
So, I can see fine from a-far, but my arms simply aren't long enough to read things close up these days. So instead of getting longer arms, I am getting reading glasses. It was fun picking out frames with Margaret and Samuel, although they like to laugh at their mother. I talked Sam out of the huge giant thick-framed black ones he wanted. Sears had some good sales on winter coats, some were 75% off then an additional %25 off, so I got Margaret and Samuel each a new coat. I had a few picked out for me, trying to choose, but decided not to get one. I survived most of the winter without one..but the real thing that held me back is that I hope to be a little smaller next year. ha. hope. I ate chocolate last night, too much chocolate. Aldi has really good chocolate, which is ironic, because, no offense, but alot of their stuff is crappy. But the German chocolate, yummy. Too yummy. After a long stressful day, I should not even open a bar of chocolate. But I did.
Emily-The-Nurse stopped over last night, which was nice. It was crazy in here, I had just come in the door with bags from Target and Sears and Aldi and Price-Chopper. I had treats for the kids for Valentines Day, chocolate bars and cute little socks with hearts on them for the girls, a mini fishing game for Jon, PollyPockets for the two little princesses, headbands for Em and Abigail...and a package of chocolate donuts for breakfast. They are now all gone, yay!
Dang I better brush Char's hair. She has the beginnings of a nice rat's nest going on back there. Since she didn't go to school yesterday, I didn't brush it...
The Kitten likes my roses. She keeps getting up on the table and batting them around. I might have to spank her little bee-hind. She is a bad kitty. She loves ripping open the catfood bag, even when I put it on the counter. She does not care if her bowl is already full. She also only drinks running water. I refuse to let her drink from the kitchen sink, but compromise on the bathroom. She knows water comes from the front of the 'fridge, and is always trying to get to it. She will simply not drink from a bowl. She has us trained well. I have not regretted getting her one single time yet though. She never misses the cat litter, and is a Purr-er. She follows me around during the day, and is very affectionate. The older kids are forever carrying her around, she is extremely well-loved. My favorite thing is when she sprawls out on Rosie's rug, and Rosie just sighs and lies down on the floor next to the rug. Yes, Kitty Kitten rules the roost.
Mirielle made dinner last night in my absence, thankfully. She made chicken alfredo and veggies. The table got cleaned off and the dishwasher got done, so I cannot complain that the pans didn't get washed...but I will growl about it a little.
I shall put a load of towels in the wash, putter around the kitchen a bit, try to fit in a workout, and get out the door in just an hour, ha, wait, I have to MOVE!!! bye...
1 comment:
what a great day minus the finger, and yay on the birthday. I booked the governors suite at a hotel for Kim's 16 I still need to blog about that....
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