summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

promising day...

It is supposed to be around 60 degrees today, and sunny. I sent the little girls to school with socks, no tights. I am glad I am so optimistic about it.....because if I really think too hard about how my day will go, if I be an "old", or "mature" person, I will realize that it will still be a busy, and probably for the most part, a difficult day. But thanks be to God that I am not old or mature yet!!! I am excited for the warmth and sunshine. Yesterday, I was way too busy. And I still didn't get everything I wanted to do done. But so what? There runs a stream of discontentment in me....that just hums along, always wanting either a break, or to accomplish something.......I need to really fight against that. To learn contentment. And in everything, learn patience and gentleness. Is a clean floor worth snapping at the kids for? Sadly, yes. But that just goes to show how my heart needs to be softened so much more. Yes, I hate the mud that this time of year brings in. I tell them to stomp their feet on the deck, and wipe their shoes on the mat, and remove them inside the door. And I tell them again. And again. And I clean up dirt, and mud. Now, where is the problem here? If you guessed my attitude, you are right!!!! I need to not grow weary of doing good. I need to endure to the end. I need to keep doing my job, and keep loving my kids. At the same time. See, I can try to think of other methods, of other ways to keep things nice, and that is fine, but what it comes down to, is me. I need to endure. I need to not get :sick and tired...of things.

On and on I go...sorry.

Today I made the little girls some oatmeal, got them up, gave them showers, brushed their hair, and sent them on to the bus. And now here I am in the quiet. I write things like the above to encourage myself for the day. Yesterday, Charlotte Claire wore undies, she wanted to, and it wasn't pretty. She peed a big puddle. When I asked her where pee should go, she replied sweetly, "On the floor...".....So, I cleaned her up and got her some new undies, new clothes. She promptly pooped in the undies. So I told her the first thing that came into my head: You can't go to Katie's house until you wear undies and poop and pee in the toilet......(Katie is my niece, lives in town in a nice little house with her husband and daughter, my girls' good friend Grace)......then I put a diaper on her. I simply don't care. When she decides she wants to go to Katie's house, she will train.......see all the expertise I have after training 14 kids? ha.

Well, I do have some necessary things to do with my quiet time.....and the kids brought the newspaper in when the went out this calls.....


FLmom7 said...

Oh, potty training! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's not an expert...people assume I am after so many kids, ha ha! I love your attitude about life. Your kids are so lucky to have you for a mom;-)

Cassandra said...

LOL i love how Pee goes on the floor!
We caught Andy peeing outside (on the dirt NOT the grass or a tree) and joe told him he was only to pee on a tree.... anyway a few hours later He was standing at the back door asking to go outside because Daddy said it was the ONLY place he was allowed to pee LOL, he must have wondered why he didnt get to use the toilet like everyone else! Isnt potty training fun ;-)

mommeeof10 said...

Sam, 2 1/2 yrs old, will tell me he needs to be changed, take off his wet diaper, go pee in the big toilet, then demand I put another diaper on him. Poop, forget it, he refuses to even think about the potty chair. He'll train before he starts school?