summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Paul is very good to me. He does not want a dog, but said if I want one, that is fine. He just doesn't have time to take care of it. So, he went and dropped off the application, along with the cover letter begging them to see our large family as a good thing, not a reason to be turned down. He went in to meet the dog I want, along with Suzanne, Sonja K., and Charlotte Claire. They really liked Mr. Sweety. Unfortunately, the woman said several people are interested in this one dog. Rats. Even if they do approve us, we may miss out on Mr. Sweety. Oh well. I plan to call up there first thing in the morning, and let then know we really want the dog. Then I plan to stop in and see Mr. Sweety after my dr. app't. tomorrow afternoon.


cheryl said...

I've never met him (the puppy, not Paul), and I like him already! (the puppy, not Paul). But I like that Paul would let you have the puppy because you like him (the puppy, not Paul). But that's why you like him (Paul, not the puppy).

Cassandra said...

I hope you get the puppy! How exciting :-)

Brandi said...

Oh I hope you get him! Maybe if you show more interest than everyone else they will lean more towards you! Fingers crossed for you.

Janis said...

So sorry for all your hurting, you are in my prayers. I wrote a much longer, more personal comment but it disappeared into cyberspace...Why don't you come to Ohio to visit where dogs and cats are piling up at the shelter? That seems crazy to be denied!