summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How can it be so sunny and warm there??

And so chilly and windy here!! I'm glad you're having great weather, just be very careful about burning your lips, keep them covered, okay, I will not say anything further about lips.

The other night someone sped (speeded? drove very fast?) down Susan's road and broke the driver's side mirror of our mini-van. So before we left today, I had to duct tape a bag over the assembly to keep it from all falling out. I set my full cup of coffee on the dashboard, but when I backed down the driveway, pre-occupied with not being able to see well without the mirror, it, of course, spilled all over. Our van now smells like Dunkin' Donuts. Not really. Anyway, we stopped there because they are having their good 4lbs of coffee for $19.99 sale. And I needed a cup to replace the one I spilled. It's a pretty good deal if you're a cheapskate like me, and you like pretty decent coffee. I usually have instant, but would prefer drip if we have it.. Anyway, Janet wasn't feeling too hot, and Becca, being the wonderful helper that she is, deserved a special drink.. So, I felt like I was kind of splurging, and it's good for me to "break free" sometimes. Anyway, when the young lady did the total, she gave me the SENIOR DISCOUNT!! Now, I am a person who really enjoys a deal, but at what cost?? Do I really look old all of a sudden? Because just last week I was saying that I looked much younger than my good friend from my teenage years!! Is God telling me something? Of course, and it's good for me, but I'm not sure it feels too good.. I kind of felt like I should have said, "I'm sorry, you've made a huge mistake.. I am not a senior!!" Becky said that maybe she just pushed that button to be nice!! I don't think so.. But maybe it was an accident..

Mariel is hopefully going to make fudge for the bazaar tomorrow, so tonight we dropped off some little boxes and foil cups. Ben greeted us outside, with Rosie, and he invited us in. We couldn't, though, because Janet wasn't feeling well. All the younger kids were in bed (it was about 8:30), except for Camille. So, the house is still standing, and it looks like all of the vehicles are still there. And the dog is happy, although she did say she misses you guys..
Keep having fun, I'm looking forward to hearing about it and seeing more pictures!!

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