Tuesday, September 30, 2008
some pictures
chilly afternoon....Abigail has the right idea....
Aaron loves me, he won't be too mad....
rainy and chilly, and so snuggly in here
Abigail has the day off from classes, Emily the nurse called in sick, she has the cold, Suzanne the second grader stayed home with a cough....Mariel is making plans to take her 5 hour driving course tonight....what? Do I have to shop for 5 hours? I couldn't possibly...ha.
Well, today I decided to go in and take a rest with a book...my favorite thing to do on a chilly rainy afternoon....and Charlotte Claire was in napping, and also Camille.....Jon and Suzanne put in the Chocolate Factory Movie.....so there I was, all snuggled in reading about how Sam Cayhill is plotting his release from death row in John Grisham's The Chamber, which I have read before, but somehow picked up again.....but my conscience was bothering me....I need to go on my walk, it kept saying, and I told it to just shut up, I would go later.....come on, you've been saying later for too many years now....so, I got up, got my sweatshirt on, and out the door in to the rain I went.....I only did the hill two times today, though. I don't have any sneakers. I have had only one pair in about 20 years, and they are long gone....my birkenstocks are my summer shoes, and my loafers are my winter ones.....well, I do have a nice pair of clogs that are uncomfortable, and a pair of dressy sandals that I hate.....anyway, my sandals got wet, and my feet were slipping in them....so I guess I will have to shop for a pair of sneakers.....
I really want a treadmill, but where can we put it? Should I just buy one and figure that out later?
Anyway, I went on my walk and I am glad.
Well, today I decided to go in and take a rest with a book...my favorite thing to do on a chilly rainy afternoon....and Charlotte Claire was in napping, and also Camille.....Jon and Suzanne put in the Chocolate Factory Movie.....so there I was, all snuggled in reading about how Sam Cayhill is plotting his release from death row in John Grisham's The Chamber, which I have read before, but somehow picked up again.....but my conscience was bothering me....I need to go on my walk, it kept saying, and I told it to just shut up, I would go later.....come on, you've been saying later for too many years now....so, I got up, got my sweatshirt on, and out the door in to the rain I went.....I only did the hill two times today, though. I don't have any sneakers. I have had only one pair in about 20 years, and they are long gone....my birkenstocks are my summer shoes, and my loafers are my winter ones.....well, I do have a nice pair of clogs that are uncomfortable, and a pair of dressy sandals that I hate.....anyway, my sandals got wet, and my feet were slipping in them....so I guess I will have to shop for a pair of sneakers.....
I really want a treadmill, but where can we put it? Should I just buy one and figure that out later?
Anyway, I went on my walk and I am glad.
Monday, September 29, 2008
it's late at night, and I am the only one still up
and I am sure I'll kick myself in the morning.....but the quiet is so delicious....just me and the cat. Sorry, the cat and I.
I love the proverb, : "Tommorrow is the busiest day of the week.." Eternal optimist that I am, I keep thinking I am going to accomplish something around here. Something more than the usual.....like actually buying the paint and spackel for the kids' room...or cleaning out and organizing Charlotte Claire's room, where all the toys get thrown when the kids clean....or figuring out a better system for the shoes...or organizing a cupboard....or sorting through Camille's clothes, packing up the small ones......or buying the new t.v. cabinet thing.....so I can sand and stain it....or getting the new parts for my sewing machine, which will open up a whole 'nother world of possiblities that are hard to accomplish....
But, the days go by......and now, Mariel is leaving. Not forever, just for a month or two. She isn't sure yet. She is going to visit Canada, and help a friend who is having her 7th ? baby..... the details aren't worked out yet, so if you see Mariel, don't tell her I am telling people already.....anyway, we (we being me) had some big plans of small home improvements to accomplish before she starts college for spring term....and now she is leaving. Which is really okay....I have been spoiled rotten, having her around.....I will have trouble going to simple appointments with the three little ones by myself, let alone doing 2 cartfull shopping trips.....I will adjust, but I don't want to! I want life to get easier, not harder! Just a little ranting...perfectly normal folks, nothing to get alarmed about....
In myself I see a disparity between what I want to do and what I am able to realistically do, and in this I need to find contentment. Should I rather wish my life away? Wishing for clean, organized cupboards and empty laundry hampers?
I also see I need to stop, and think about how I am proceeding, regarding dealing with the kids. I can be so set in the "no talking back, no telling me "no," listen the first time"...thing, that I get a bit drill-seargeanty (that MUST be a word).....I need to teach the kids, to enforce what I say, but at the same time, be patient......did you know there is a verse in the bible that says, "love covers a multitude of sin...." (sorry, I do not know where it is written)....so I can't be just snapping at people because things bug me....
Tonight I suggested to Paul that we concentrate more on giving the kids lots of attention each evening, then get them to bed before we do anything of our own...sounds like "duh", I know....but hey, when you've had children around for 24 years without a break, you can tend to fall into habits, and not think a whole lot about what would be better, or best.....
So, my mid-year resolutions:
1. Hug the kids more, tell them how much I love them...
2. Wait a minute before I get after them, and say things more carefully...
3. Totally phase out the threats. Give consequences, enforce them, drop it, end it....
4. Give each one my full undivided attention as much as humanly possible.
5. Stop pretending I am listening, and really listen....
6. Stop nagging. Totally stop nagging. Oh, I would love to be free from this plague. It makes me ugly, and makes them want to run away....
7. Start lifting weights in the evening....this seems unrelated, because it is unrelated. But I still want to do it. I used to lift weights with my brothers in my growing up years, and I loved it. I tried a few years back, but just didn't stick with it. I need excercise.
8. Be more thankful. Like I have said many many times, thankfulness is more powerful than complaining. As soon as thankfulness to God is introduced, all spirits of discontent have to flee. They are not strong enough to stand up to the power of thankfulness. And yet we complain......aah....no more. No more.
9. I want to think of others much much more. When I pray for others, my problems seem to just dim.....
10. I want to go out to lunch with my sister before Mariel leaves for Canada.....very important!!
Well, I feel better already. Much cheaper than therapy. I just sit here and write, and get focused again on life, get some direction....sorry!!!!
I love the proverb, : "Tommorrow is the busiest day of the week.." Eternal optimist that I am, I keep thinking I am going to accomplish something around here. Something more than the usual.....like actually buying the paint and spackel for the kids' room...or cleaning out and organizing Charlotte Claire's room, where all the toys get thrown when the kids clean....or figuring out a better system for the shoes...or organizing a cupboard....or sorting through Camille's clothes, packing up the small ones......or buying the new t.v. cabinet thing.....so I can sand and stain it....or getting the new parts for my sewing machine, which will open up a whole 'nother world of possiblities that are hard to accomplish....
But, the days go by......and now, Mariel is leaving. Not forever, just for a month or two. She isn't sure yet. She is going to visit Canada, and help a friend who is having her 7th ? baby..... the details aren't worked out yet, so if you see Mariel, don't tell her I am telling people already.....anyway, we (we being me) had some big plans of small home improvements to accomplish before she starts college for spring term....and now she is leaving. Which is really okay....I have been spoiled rotten, having her around.....I will have trouble going to simple appointments with the three little ones by myself, let alone doing 2 cartfull shopping trips.....I will adjust, but I don't want to! I want life to get easier, not harder! Just a little ranting...perfectly normal folks, nothing to get alarmed about....
In myself I see a disparity between what I want to do and what I am able to realistically do, and in this I need to find contentment. Should I rather wish my life away? Wishing for clean, organized cupboards and empty laundry hampers?
I also see I need to stop, and think about how I am proceeding, regarding dealing with the kids. I can be so set in the "no talking back, no telling me "no," listen the first time"...thing, that I get a bit drill-seargeanty (that MUST be a word).....I need to teach the kids, to enforce what I say, but at the same time, be patient......did you know there is a verse in the bible that says, "love covers a multitude of sin...." (sorry, I do not know where it is written)....so I can't be just snapping at people because things bug me....
Tonight I suggested to Paul that we concentrate more on giving the kids lots of attention each evening, then get them to bed before we do anything of our own...sounds like "duh", I know....but hey, when you've had children around for 24 years without a break, you can tend to fall into habits, and not think a whole lot about what would be better, or best.....
So, my mid-year resolutions:
1. Hug the kids more, tell them how much I love them...
2. Wait a minute before I get after them, and say things more carefully...
3. Totally phase out the threats. Give consequences, enforce them, drop it, end it....
4. Give each one my full undivided attention as much as humanly possible.
5. Stop pretending I am listening, and really listen....
6. Stop nagging. Totally stop nagging. Oh, I would love to be free from this plague. It makes me ugly, and makes them want to run away....
7. Start lifting weights in the evening....this seems unrelated, because it is unrelated. But I still want to do it. I used to lift weights with my brothers in my growing up years, and I loved it. I tried a few years back, but just didn't stick with it. I need excercise.
8. Be more thankful. Like I have said many many times, thankfulness is more powerful than complaining. As soon as thankfulness to God is introduced, all spirits of discontent have to flee. They are not strong enough to stand up to the power of thankfulness. And yet we complain......aah....no more. No more.
9. I want to think of others much much more. When I pray for others, my problems seem to just dim.....
10. I want to go out to lunch with my sister before Mariel leaves for Canada.....very important!!
Well, I feel better already. Much cheaper than therapy. I just sit here and write, and get focused again on life, get some direction....sorry!!!!
short post
Charlotte Claire, the snotty nosed coughing sweetie pie, is snuggled up to me, drinking her ba-ba.....as much as I don't like to see them sick, I do like it when they slow down and snuggle....
I went for another walk this afternoon. Just a 22 minute walk (can you tell I timed myself?), but today I went up and down the hill 3 times! There is also a good sized hill in the middle of the walk.....so for me, challenging....I know, I know, lots of you probably think I am a wimp. I wasn't always this out of shape. But the fact is, I am going to keep at it until someday I look back at this post, and laugh at myself.
My poor Camille is really sick now. She has a fever, and a cough, and is just so miserable....she didn't get any shots today, which I know the dr. didn't love, but he was all right about it. She weighs 19 lbs, 3 ounces, and is in the 33rd percentile......and I thought she was so big....she is in the 56th percentile for her height, so according to that, she is tall and thin....then why is she so short and fat?
Well, I did get those meatballs made, 90% burger, not a drop of fat in the baking dishes....6 pounds of burger, filled two 13by9inch pans, plus a smaller one....which is exciting because: we can actually have two meals from this! Tonight, ravioli, tomorrow spaghetti?
I went for another walk this afternoon. Just a 22 minute walk (can you tell I timed myself?), but today I went up and down the hill 3 times! There is also a good sized hill in the middle of the walk.....so for me, challenging....I know, I know, lots of you probably think I am a wimp. I wasn't always this out of shape. But the fact is, I am going to keep at it until someday I look back at this post, and laugh at myself.
My poor Camille is really sick now. She has a fever, and a cough, and is just so miserable....she didn't get any shots today, which I know the dr. didn't love, but he was all right about it. She weighs 19 lbs, 3 ounces, and is in the 33rd percentile......and I thought she was so big....she is in the 56th percentile for her height, so according to that, she is tall and thin....then why is she so short and fat?
Well, I did get those meatballs made, 90% burger, not a drop of fat in the baking dishes....6 pounds of burger, filled two 13by9inch pans, plus a smaller one....which is exciting because: we can actually have two meals from this! Tonight, ravioli, tomorrow spaghetti?
chilly cozy day
If you haven't taken 3 sick kids to the dr. lately, you are missing out on some fun. Jon is stuffy and has a cough, but is amicable enough, and Charlotte Claire isn't too bad either, just a cough and runny nose....and sort of a short fuse, you know what I mean.....but Camille, the normally wonderful and smiley baby was a mess today....she just cried and cried....she had to go in for a check-up...she had a temp. of 99.9, but I don't think those ear thermometers are so accurate.....but her ears were clear, and her chest sounded good, so dr. did a throat culture. Then, did we go home like smart people? No, we needed some milk, so we went to a very nice grocery store called Wegmans. Very nice store. They make the most excellent muffins - cranberry with toasted walnuts on top...the muffin is not too sweet and the cranberries are actually tart....very good.....I like to splurge on one sometimes. And, at the checkouts, they have those space-ship roasted whole chickens, for $4.99.....and they are yummy, and smell so good....and we were hungry....so I got one. So, we got our milk, and $77 later, were on our way.
We got home and had a healthy lunch of broccoli, the roasted chicken, and some apple slices...then, naps for Charlotte Claire and Camillle...Jon is rolling around on the floor, in another world, playing with his cars....the first trip kids are home now, finishing up the chicken......and I need to get moving.....since we left early today, I didn't get anything done yet today.....we are having meatballs and ravioli tonight, so I need to make them....
We got home and had a healthy lunch of broccoli, the roasted chicken, and some apple slices...then, naps for Charlotte Claire and Camillle...Jon is rolling around on the floor, in another world, playing with his cars....the first trip kids are home now, finishing up the chicken......and I need to get moving.....since we left early today, I didn't get anything done yet today.....we are having meatballs and ravioli tonight, so I need to make them....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
busy busy baby.....
she pulls herself up on unstable things...like one of the four dollhouses set up in the livingroom...or the Little Tikes chair....or Jon's Tikes car....she's a bit stuffy with a cold.....
This afternoon, I went for a walk in the cloudy misty weather with Jonathan and Sonja. And Kitten Force, who followed us.....we stopped to throw some stones into the creek...then we went up and down the hill twice, as I need the excercise. Then home for a dip in the hot tub....Camille woke up, fussy and stuffy, so Kathryn brought her out to me....we took off her clothes, and into the hot tub she went....she really liked it. The water wasn't very hot, we keep it around 98 - 100, usually...so it's like a nice warm bath.....we turned the jets on, and the bubbles on top mix with the cool air, and make a nice steam....perfect for a stuffy baby....it really helped her....
We went to the meeting today, then came home and had dinner for lunch, then a simple sandwich for dinner.....so, I made some brownies...they just came out of the oven, and it smells heavenly in here.....
The girls have been playing dollhouse non-stop in here. Yes, in the living room. We do not have a play room. So, between my new pram (which I want in here, I like to look at it), 4 dollhouses, Camille's exersaucer, and all the dollhouse accesories, and vehicles. the living room is a nightmare. We pick it all up and vacuum each day.....but in between, it gets hard to navigate. But the kids have to play. And it keeps them busy. And it beats turning on the tv and sitting them in front of it....but it isn't all roses. Camille is Godzilla/King Kong. And Charlotte Claire thinks she can help herself to anything anyone else is playing with, and run away......and we can have 20 different beds, but all of the sudden, one of them is the bed to have......bicker, bicker, bicker.....and occasionally, some throwing stuff, and hair pulling.
And did I mention how fussy Camille is? She is fussy. I try to sit and hold her, and she wants down....then she gets down, and wants up.....she wants to be carried around....she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow....it will be interesting to see: how much she weighs now, as at one time she was very small for her age, and if the dr. will want to give her immunizations when she has a cold......I hope not, really. The shots make them fussy enough when they are well....
Well, I have to go and give them the promised brownie before bed.....
This afternoon, I went for a walk in the cloudy misty weather with Jonathan and Sonja. And Kitten Force, who followed us.....we stopped to throw some stones into the creek...then we went up and down the hill twice, as I need the excercise. Then home for a dip in the hot tub....Camille woke up, fussy and stuffy, so Kathryn brought her out to me....we took off her clothes, and into the hot tub she went....she really liked it. The water wasn't very hot, we keep it around 98 - 100, usually...so it's like a nice warm bath.....we turned the jets on, and the bubbles on top mix with the cool air, and make a nice steam....perfect for a stuffy baby....it really helped her....
We went to the meeting today, then came home and had dinner for lunch, then a simple sandwich for dinner.....so, I made some brownies...they just came out of the oven, and it smells heavenly in here.....
The girls have been playing dollhouse non-stop in here. Yes, in the living room. We do not have a play room. So, between my new pram (which I want in here, I like to look at it), 4 dollhouses, Camille's exersaucer, and all the dollhouse accesories, and vehicles. the living room is a nightmare. We pick it all up and vacuum each day.....but in between, it gets hard to navigate. But the kids have to play. And it keeps them busy. And it beats turning on the tv and sitting them in front of it....but it isn't all roses. Camille is Godzilla/King Kong. And Charlotte Claire thinks she can help herself to anything anyone else is playing with, and run away......and we can have 20 different beds, but all of the sudden, one of them is the bed to have......bicker, bicker, bicker.....and occasionally, some throwing stuff, and hair pulling.
And did I mention how fussy Camille is? She is fussy. I try to sit and hold her, and she wants down....then she gets down, and wants up.....she wants to be carried around....she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow....it will be interesting to see: how much she weighs now, as at one time she was very small for her age, and if the dr. will want to give her immunizations when she has a cold......I hope not, really. The shots make them fussy enough when they are well....
Well, I have to go and give them the promised brownie before bed.....
Saturday, September 27, 2008
special day
I got to go in the hot tub today. I asked Paul to watch Camille for a while so I could take a dip....and in I went....with Jonathan, and Suzanne....Suzanne who chanted, "Gingerbread house, Gingerbread house, "....the whole time, and Jon, who is just Jon.....I found myself wanting to complain, then I thought, hey, I had a nap today, then I went in the hot tub....I have to stop complaining.....so, I went in the house and thanked Paul.....Then, as the afternoon wore on, we heard some voices, and the stomping of feet on the deck....it was my sister and 5 of her daughters. They came in for a visit, and we decided to go out to Chinese......here is Margaret with her friend Mel, who is spending the night....for some reason, scooping ice cream was hilarious....
Here is my oldest brother's daughter......she is one of 10 kids...she went with us, too....she is lots of fun...her icecream matched her shirt....

Here is Claire, one of my sister's girls, and the namesake of Charlotte Claire....
Abigail.....and Audrey, another of my sister's girls....

Abigail.....and Audrey, another of my sister's girls....
Jon with his diet pepsi....the best part of the meal for him....
Sonja K.

Bethany, who is spending the night, and my Kathryn......they are very good friends....Bethany has 13 brothers and sisters, so she fits right in at our house.

Suzanne Eleanor.....happy girl.

Sonja K.
Bethany, who is spending the night, and my Kathryn......they are very good friends....Bethany has 13 brothers and sisters, so she fits right in at our house.
Suzanne Eleanor.....happy girl.
Here is the whole gang, except Abigail, who arrived a bit later. Yes, Jon was the only boy.....(Sam is salmon fishing, Aaron is in the Adirondacks, Joe was home, Ben at work....)(Emily, Mariel, and Molly are also in the mountains.)
This is the group that rode in our van....we sang Bingo, By The Rivers of Babylon, and Amazing Grace, to name a few....do you notice Jon's steering wheel? He usuallly brings one everywhere.

Here is a shot of my Joseph, Mr. Softhearted, understanding, funny, helpful, ect...but I try to tell him that he looks like a rough guy......I mean, if you saw this boy, you wouldn't believe that he is such a good kid.....oh well.....and that child in the background: Evelyn Joy...

Okay, here is Miss Camille in action.....

She loves the rolly thing on the top of here, it makes noises when she runs her hand across it....she likes to stand and try to take steps....slow down, baby....stay small....

So, I have had a very nice day. The kids got to bed much later than I would have liked, almost 10:30....but they went to sleep as soon as they got in bed. Hard to believe with all the mountain dew and diet pepsi they had....and hot tea, too.
This is the group that rode in our van....we sang Bingo, By The Rivers of Babylon, and Amazing Grace, to name a few....do you notice Jon's steering wheel? He usuallly brings one everywhere.
Here is a shot of my Joseph, Mr. Softhearted, understanding, funny, helpful, ect...but I try to tell him that he looks like a rough guy......I mean, if you saw this boy, you wouldn't believe that he is such a good kid.....oh well.....and that child in the background: Evelyn Joy...
Okay, here is Miss Camille in action.....
She loves the rolly thing on the top of here, it makes noises when she runs her hand across it....she likes to stand and try to take steps....slow down, baby....stay small....
So, I have had a very nice day. The kids got to bed much later than I would have liked, almost 10:30....but they went to sleep as soon as they got in bed. Hard to believe with all the mountain dew and diet pepsi they had....and hot tea, too.
You know, it has been over 5 years since I had Robert William, my poor tiny baby, stillborn at 6 months. He was due around this time. So, of course I think about him. I remember after he was "born", everywhere I went, and everything I did seemed unreal. And I looked at other people a little differently. Because I didn't know if the cashier in Walmart was suffering a loss....I wondered if other people just looked normal, and were just crying inside.....it was like that after my parents died, too. It made me more merciful towards people....I mean, that grumpy lady may have just had to put her dog to sleep or something, I don't know..... Right after my mother died, which occcured early in the morning, on a Friday in July two years ago, my sister and I were exhausted. I mean exhausted. We had been up at the hospital with her until 3 in the morning, and not realizing that she was so close to dying, we went home...I got in bed around 5, and my brother called a few hours later to say that she had died....we went to my dad, of course....then, after making arrangements, and shopping for her burial clothes, which is a whole other funny story, my sister and I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. My cashier gave me a really hard time about something stupid. She just wouldn't drop it. I finally told her, "My mother just died this morning, can you just leave me alone?" ....and I met up with my sister, we were leaving the store, and she had told her cashier the same thing.....we felt like the world should show us some mercy.....
On and on I go. sorry......missing someone, though, is awful. I miss my parents. I look normal (sort of), act normal (sort of)....but I miss them. It is just a deep deep sadness. I look at my Sonja with the reddish hair, like my mother's.....and Chinese restaurant was my mother's middle name...maybe that is why all this is stirred up again.....she would have LOVED to be there with 14 of her grand-daughters, and one grandson, and the girls' friends and my sister and I. Just LOVED it......
rainy saturday with no plans....
and I am a lucky girl....when I came out here this morning with Camille, the little girls (and Jon) were already up. Suzanne, who's only 7, had changed Charlotte Claire's diaper, and Evelyn had gotten her a bottle of chocolate milk. And sippy cups of chocolate milke for Jon, Sonja, Suzanne, and her....I am almost obsolete.
Samuel has made scrambled eggs and toast for a bunch of the kids....all I have done so far: make the coffee, drink some coffee with a piece of Mariel and Aarons' wonderful homemade apple pie.....which I shared with Camille, changed and fed Camille, changed Charlotte Claire and read her two books....and read the morning paper. A wonderful day, so far.
But I feel the promptings of home improvement stirring in me. I want to buy paint for the little girls' room....I want to go buy an unfinished cabinet for the dvds...to put under the tv....we are using our coffee table for the tv.....we should hang it on the wall, I guess.....anyway, I want to do all these things.....but the kids have these colds. Joseph has been very sick with it this week. Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille have runny noses and coughs.....
Yesterday when I got home from Walmart, I got a scare. Emily the nurse was home from work already. And when I got in the door, Jon greeted me by telling me Emily was sleeping, and someone had died at work. So, calm and collected mom that I am, I assumed the worst. Maybe that Emily had made a HUGE mistake.....and she was so upset, she was in bed......but, thankfully, I was just plain over-assuming again....an old person had died of old age. And Emily, who never takes a nap, was just plain tired. So that was good. But Emily said a funny thing. She said the morgue cart, just white and somber, should be festooned with balloons, ribbons, and bright colors, to celebrate that a person has finished their course on earth.
I am aware that most people are happy and excited when thier child starts to crawl, then to walk. I am glad Camille is strong and healthy. But.....my goodness. With all these people here, especially evident here on a Saturday morning....as I type this, there are at least 11 of us in these two rooms....it is almost impossible to have it completely childproof. We do all right keeping the pennies picked up, and most markers and crayons.....she likes to rip things. She tastes everything. Computer cords, dvds.....purses, mp3players....good baby snacks, ha.
But she is loved. She has been carried around by probably 6 or seven different people this morning.
Samuel has made scrambled eggs and toast for a bunch of the kids....all I have done so far: make the coffee, drink some coffee with a piece of Mariel and Aarons' wonderful homemade apple pie.....which I shared with Camille, changed and fed Camille, changed Charlotte Claire and read her two books....and read the morning paper. A wonderful day, so far.
But I feel the promptings of home improvement stirring in me. I want to buy paint for the little girls' room....I want to go buy an unfinished cabinet for the dvds...to put under the tv....we are using our coffee table for the tv.....we should hang it on the wall, I guess.....anyway, I want to do all these things.....but the kids have these colds. Joseph has been very sick with it this week. Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille have runny noses and coughs.....
Yesterday when I got home from Walmart, I got a scare. Emily the nurse was home from work already. And when I got in the door, Jon greeted me by telling me Emily was sleeping, and someone had died at work. So, calm and collected mom that I am, I assumed the worst. Maybe that Emily had made a HUGE mistake.....and she was so upset, she was in bed......but, thankfully, I was just plain over-assuming again....an old person had died of old age. And Emily, who never takes a nap, was just plain tired. So that was good. But Emily said a funny thing. She said the morgue cart, just white and somber, should be festooned with balloons, ribbons, and bright colors, to celebrate that a person has finished their course on earth.
I am aware that most people are happy and excited when thier child starts to crawl, then to walk. I am glad Camille is strong and healthy. But.....my goodness. With all these people here, especially evident here on a Saturday morning....as I type this, there are at least 11 of us in these two rooms....it is almost impossible to have it completely childproof. We do all right keeping the pennies picked up, and most markers and crayons.....she likes to rip things. She tastes everything. Computer cords, dvds.....purses, mp3players....good baby snacks, ha.
But she is loved. She has been carried around by probably 6 or seven different people this morning.
Friday, September 26, 2008
friday night with only camille and charlotte claire
All the older kids are at activity club, and Paul is at a meeting.....so Charlotte Claire and Camille are having fun. Camille has gotten smacked with a magic wand, has fallen over, and gotten a few good grabs of Charlotte's popcorn....she has emptied out the dvds, tipped over the dollhouse, and pulled herself up at a chair, then fell over.....now she is in bed, and the younger kids just got home, excited and tired....Miss Camille likes to pull herself up, and walk along the furniture....
Charlotte Claire playing playdough....

I told her to smile, and she pulled her hair away from her face..I guess she needs a trim....the rolling pin she is using is my most prized possesion. It belonged to my father's mother.
Their feet are dirty, they made crowns and dressed as princesses, and danced in their barefeet...they are supposed to be just washing their feet, but who in their right mind sends 4 or 5 or 6 kids in to the bathroom to wash their feet, and not get completely wet....
I told her to smile, and she pulled her hair away from her face..I guess she needs a trim....the rolling pin she is using is my most prized possesion. It belonged to my father's mother.
I took Molly (and Camille) to Walmart today.....we only need milk....but 4 of the older ones are going to the Adirondacks, and needed some stuff....so we got stuff.... Now Camille is people-friendly....she made good friends with a couple who just had their 4th great-grandchild. She just smiles and smiles at people, waves and says, Hi....then she waves bye-bye......
Paul is home from his meeting now, so I am ending.....it has been a long week, and we need some time.....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
we went to open house...
She is just plain sweet, Miss Charlotte Claire....
Here is the Inglesina Zippy basinette, goes on the new Zippy stroller, which I haven't photographed yet.....I don't really need it, but you never know....and I have daughters, and nieces....

The thing is, I tried it on the Magnum chassis, and it snapped right on! I hope I get a chance to use it someday....it is nice and cushy...

The thing is, I tried it on the Magnum chassis, and it snapped right on! I hope I get a chance to use it someday....it is nice and cushy...
So, open house was kind of nice. Margaret, Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, Camille, and Paul and I went. So, Jon was our only boy for the evening. We went to Sonja's class first, first grade. We had to pick the picture that she drew that was supposed to be her. We both picked right on the first try: the only coloring job with a girl with orange hair and green eyes....she was thrilled that we got it right.
Then on to Suzanne's second grade class. This teacher has had several of our kids now....and she has 16 kids in her class. She said she realized recently that that was how many we have at the dinner table....
Then to Evelyn's 3rd grade class....her teacher is not much older than Emily the nurse. My grammer isn't perfect but I was a bit surprised that said, " The sign up sheets is over there..."
Who would want to go on a Chinese spaceship? I mean after the infant formula thing.....
My Abigail is in her 4th year, an accounting major. She has her first job interview tomorrow. Have you ever seen one of those movies where the main character borrows clothes for the interview? That's Abigail....she just got the call for the interview the other day, and hadn't had the chance to go clothes shopping....and all the stuff she owns is too casual...so she borrowed a few things from a friend, and she looked very nice and neat when she modeled it for us. And I looked in the news and a nearby city is looking for new recuits for their police department, especially women and minorities. They like the police force to reflect the city population. I am trying to talk Mariel into at least taking the test......
The years fly so fast, and these little kids of mine are turning into adults...I must be in denial about aging, buying prams and hoping for babies...hmm....
We had cereal for dinner tonight. It was too rushed to give them dinner before open house, especially because they had plenty for after school snack....and the older kids, 13 years and older, were at the youth meeting. So, we had cereal. And a few of them had nachos with cheese, too......and Jon got 2 cookies to dip in his cereal....what fun. And Evelyn spilled two different bowls of cereal in the same place in a matter of minutes.....what fun.
Well, I am tired....is that a recurring theme?
my last pram....
Here it the pram that came from the nice DHL man today. I bought it on ebay because I needed the chassis for the new seat I couldn't resist recently, for $30......I was going to buy a brand new chassis, but it was $230....so I saw this pram, with the chassis I needed, for $100.....follow? That's okay, it's not so exciting unless you are one of the few pram-crazies.....

Here it is with the new seat I already had....

Here Charlotte Claire, Sonja, and Jon watch a particularly interesting episode of, "Clifford The Big Red Dog"....Sonja is home from school with a cold and cough....

Do you believe that this 10 month old baby just propelled herself backwards all the way accross the living room in this car? She is just a monster. She goes and goes.....Oh, the sticker on the front of the car says, "gas station", Jon knows that.....

And here is Jonathan......

Here they are in the hot tub....it was nice, but too hot....someone keeps turning it up to 102 degrees....and of course when I ask, nobody did it. It still felt really nice.....then we sat in the sun a bit while the kids went on the swings, Charlotte Claire dragging her nice clean towel throught the dirt under the swings.....then, in the house for a little lunch. Charlotte Claire did not go to sleep for her nap, but came back out here......she needs to be put back to bed....she is very tired and, Jon just took one of her chips, and wow!

Today, it is beautifully warm and sunny again. I swept the floor, vacuumed the edges, vacuumed the living room, did some laundry, washed counters, gave the kids breakfast, fussed with and took care of Camille, the normally happy baby, who has a cold. Then when she went to bed, I took the kids outside...but I know when she is sleeping, I SHOULD be getting a little more done around here. I was gone shopping all day yesterday, so there is a lot to do....But: tomorrow is promising to be cloudy, and maybe even rainy! I sure hope so!!!
Here Charlotte Claire, Sonja, and Jon watch a particularly interesting episode of, "Clifford The Big Red Dog"....Sonja is home from school with a cold and cough....
Do you believe that this 10 month old baby just propelled herself backwards all the way accross the living room in this car? She is just a monster. She goes and goes.....Oh, the sticker on the front of the car says, "gas station", Jon knows that.....
And here is Jonathan......
Here they are in the hot tub....it was nice, but too hot....someone keeps turning it up to 102 degrees....and of course when I ask, nobody did it. It still felt really nice.....then we sat in the sun a bit while the kids went on the swings, Charlotte Claire dragging her nice clean towel throught the dirt under the swings.....then, in the house for a little lunch. Charlotte Claire did not go to sleep for her nap, but came back out here......she needs to be put back to bed....she is very tired and, Jon just took one of her chips, and wow!
Today, it is beautifully warm and sunny again. I swept the floor, vacuumed the edges, vacuumed the living room, did some laundry, washed counters, gave the kids breakfast, fussed with and took care of Camille, the normally happy baby, who has a cold. Then when she went to bed, I took the kids outside...but I know when she is sleeping, I SHOULD be getting a little more done around here. I was gone shopping all day yesterday, so there is a lot to do....But: tomorrow is promising to be cloudy, and maybe even rainy! I sure hope so!!!
Tonight is elementary open house for the kids.....Paul was asking last night if we HAD to go.....I mean, we have gone to open houses for 18 years straight. And not always one a year, either...there is elementary, then middle school, then high school.....we've seen it all.....and the middle and high school kids really don't even want to go....but the elementary kids do all the nice projects to show mom and dad, make those pictures of themselves to put on their desks so we can guess where they sit..... This is an example of one of the situations I have to really have to wake up in, come out of that been-there-done-that daze and be amazed at my children......again. and again....
I think we are having chicken for dinner. Probably grilled.....and with what? Don't know yet...but a good thing: Emily the nurse bought Mariel a new cookbook yesterday....a really nice thick one.....so maybe she'll try something out for dinner......baking is really her thing, but she likes to cook, too. She will kill me for writing about her, but she is a healthy eater.....extremely. She doesn't eat fast food, or pizza, or donuts. And she runs at least 5 miles a day.
Well, Charlotte Claire still needs to go back to bed, and now she needs a diaper change.....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
the day is winding down
4 year olds like to micro-manage the younger ones.....Jon, just LEAVE her alone!!!
He's helping me get a picture of Camille, lifting her chin....
Oh, some powder....

Whee, Jon helped her get some on her head...

Random picture of Kitten Force....she is the hunting kitty.....and so sweet....this kitty purrs, and loves to be pet....
Whee, Jon helped her get some on her head...
Random picture of Kitten Force....she is the hunting kitty.....and so sweet....this kitty purrs, and loves to be pet....
This weekend we have nothing planned....Emily, Mariel, Aaron, Molly, and Samuel might go up to the Adirondacks....Aaron can't climb a mountain yet, so they might rent canoes....and give him a ride. They don't want to go without him, they are nice....
Paul has to go to a meeting on Friday night, but other than that, we have no plans.....sounds good to me....it has been pretty busy lately. On the Brunstad.org page, there is a list of proverbs from other countries, and one is, "Tommorrow is the busiest day"......
Coupons are nice. They let us try things that are new, as opposed to trying things that are old and marked down. Mariel is opening a Ghiardelli milk chocolate with peanut butter bar, we had a coupon....I hope the little girls don't come out here for anything....
shopping, shopping, shopping.....
is way more fun with way more kids.....our high school students had a half day today....so, Aaron decided to stay home......and Margaret was home because she had a "stupid" field trip....and Kathryn was home because Margaret didn't go, and didn't wake her up....anyway, kids were home today....and I needed some things from the store...so Aaron said he would go if we picked up Molly.....she's in 9th grade, so half day anyway...so we picked her up....so, it was Mariel, Aaron, Molly, Margaret, Kathryn, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, Camille, and me, the young and beautiful mom....
Target: 75%off some nice clothes, and school supplies....we like to have stock on hand, for when they need stuff through the year......
Price-Chopper, the best store in the world, at least I think so....I haven't traveled the world much yet though.....Aaron was hungry, so we ordered a huge pizza, $6.....and when it was done, he and Molly brought the kids over to the restaurant area, bought a 2liter bottle of soda, and had some lunch.....Mariel and I got to finish our shopping in peace......because here's what had happened already: Jon was in the car-cart........Molly and I changed Charlotte Claire and Camilles' diapers, then put Charlotte Claire in a cart....she saw Jon in the car-cart.....wanted in! So, we let her in....apparently, Jon was sitting in the spot she wanted...so she started hitting him, and shoving him over.....we had to take her out. She was in my cart after that.....and being very bratty......trying to stand up....so I was glad when they took her for pizza. They also had Camille, who was in the new Inglesina Zippy I got on ebay last week. (very nice little stroller, she likes being in it (that alone is worth a million bucks), and it pushes like a dream)...it was brand new ...And I NEEDED it. ha.
Well, $205 later, we were on our way to the parking lot.....into the van with all the bags, Jon stepped on the bag of bread.....then a peaceful 35+ minute ride home.....I really wanted to stop for a coffee, but the little kids get all excited when they see Dunkin Donuts, start thinking donut holes, and I had maybe $3 , counting change.....so I dragged myself home. I have a front seat passenger rule: if you take shotgun, you talk to mom...if you want to read your book, do your homework, or listen to your headphones, go in the back......
Well, Miss Camille is tired of being King Kong of the dollhouses, and wants me to put her to bed....
Target: 75%off some nice clothes, and school supplies....we like to have stock on hand, for when they need stuff through the year......
Price-Chopper, the best store in the world, at least I think so....I haven't traveled the world much yet though.....Aaron was hungry, so we ordered a huge pizza, $6.....and when it was done, he and Molly brought the kids over to the restaurant area, bought a 2liter bottle of soda, and had some lunch.....Mariel and I got to finish our shopping in peace......because here's what had happened already: Jon was in the car-cart........Molly and I changed Charlotte Claire and Camilles' diapers, then put Charlotte Claire in a cart....she saw Jon in the car-cart.....wanted in! So, we let her in....apparently, Jon was sitting in the spot she wanted...so she started hitting him, and shoving him over.....we had to take her out. She was in my cart after that.....and being very bratty......trying to stand up....so I was glad when they took her for pizza. They also had Camille, who was in the new Inglesina Zippy I got on ebay last week. (very nice little stroller, she likes being in it (that alone is worth a million bucks), and it pushes like a dream)...it was brand new ...And I NEEDED it. ha.
Well, $205 later, we were on our way to the parking lot.....into the van with all the bags, Jon stepped on the bag of bread.....then a peaceful 35+ minute ride home.....I really wanted to stop for a coffee, but the little kids get all excited when they see Dunkin Donuts, start thinking donut holes, and I had maybe $3 , counting change.....so I dragged myself home. I have a front seat passenger rule: if you take shotgun, you talk to mom...if you want to read your book, do your homework, or listen to your headphones, go in the back......
Well, Miss Camille is tired of being King Kong of the dollhouses, and wants me to put her to bed....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
fresh new morning, again
Well either I am just getting a mild cold, or I am fighting it off, I don't feel so bad....maybe because the sun is shining and the kids have half day of school today, and I got them all out the door (that's deserving of thunderous applause, just getting them out the door, neat and clean and happy).....I always say, if I am going to be sick, I'd like some cold rainy weather to along with it, please...
Okay, does anyone else ever tell their kids to knock it off or they'll call the cops?
Or, when the baby wakes up in the night, silently beg and plead with baby to find thumb, go back to sleep? (Camille copies, and when I get her out of her little pink bed in the night, I tell her shhh-shhh, and she does it back, it is so cute)
Pick up their coffee cup like 10 times for that yummy last drink, only to re-discover that it's empty?
Here's the grossest thing I have ever done: (Cassandra, don't read this) The other night, Paul gave Camille this huge fork-full (is that a word?) of pie, and she immediately spit it back out, into my hand. And I ate it. Didn't even think about it....until I thought about it, and I had already eaten it....yuck!!!
Camille is pretty much a mooch. The big kids are always sharing stuff with her. I don't know how many times I have said, "She doesn't have any teeth! She cannot have that!"
Why is it that I work all day, go to bed exhausted, get up in the morning and see that the same things I did yesterday have to be done again?
Yesterday I did a fun thing. I like toys. So I sat on the floor in the corner of the living room, and sorted out all the toys that got mixed in with the dollhouse stuff....I had piles of play dishes, duplos, waffle-town, Jon's cars, Barbie stuff, hairponies and barettes, and baby toys.....all because when the average kid helps pick up the living room, they throw it all into the dollhouse bins.....the result was nice, less stuff, neater....and I just plain like toys, so it was sort of like playing. I swear when I see those little dollhouse people, and the cute little accessories, I feel like setting up a house.
Suzanne is bound and determined to not have any sneakers for gym. I have bought her two pair this year. The first pair was too tight. The second pair, $11 at Walmart, I told her not to take the tags off unless they fit perfect. Oh, yes, they fit perfect. So today, I ask her where her new sneakers are. Oh mom, they don't FIT with socks on! So, Sonja has yet another pair of sneakers.....
My kids went out the door for sschool 20 minutes ago and no one else is up yet, wait, spoke too soon, Charlotte Claire is coming out....the fun begins!
Okay, does anyone else ever tell their kids to knock it off or they'll call the cops?
Or, when the baby wakes up in the night, silently beg and plead with baby to find thumb, go back to sleep? (Camille copies, and when I get her out of her little pink bed in the night, I tell her shhh-shhh, and she does it back, it is so cute)
Pick up their coffee cup like 10 times for that yummy last drink, only to re-discover that it's empty?
Here's the grossest thing I have ever done: (Cassandra, don't read this) The other night, Paul gave Camille this huge fork-full (is that a word?) of pie, and she immediately spit it back out, into my hand. And I ate it. Didn't even think about it....until I thought about it, and I had already eaten it....yuck!!!
Camille is pretty much a mooch. The big kids are always sharing stuff with her. I don't know how many times I have said, "She doesn't have any teeth! She cannot have that!"
Why is it that I work all day, go to bed exhausted, get up in the morning and see that the same things I did yesterday have to be done again?
Yesterday I did a fun thing. I like toys. So I sat on the floor in the corner of the living room, and sorted out all the toys that got mixed in with the dollhouse stuff....I had piles of play dishes, duplos, waffle-town, Jon's cars, Barbie stuff, hairponies and barettes, and baby toys.....all because when the average kid helps pick up the living room, they throw it all into the dollhouse bins.....the result was nice, less stuff, neater....and I just plain like toys, so it was sort of like playing. I swear when I see those little dollhouse people, and the cute little accessories, I feel like setting up a house.
Suzanne is bound and determined to not have any sneakers for gym. I have bought her two pair this year. The first pair was too tight. The second pair, $11 at Walmart, I told her not to take the tags off unless they fit perfect. Oh, yes, they fit perfect. So today, I ask her where her new sneakers are. Oh mom, they don't FIT with socks on! So, Sonja has yet another pair of sneakers.....
My kids went out the door for sschool 20 minutes ago and no one else is up yet, wait, spoke too soon, Charlotte Claire is coming out....the fun begins!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Jonny has a cold....
and I feel like I'm coming down with it, too. I feel headachy (is that a word?), and tired, and stuffy....I feel sorry for myself. You know that feeling? Where you just want to lie in bed under the covers with a book, and doze off? Or sit with your feet up, under a snuggly blanket, and have someone bring you tea? I know, I know, it ain't gonna happen.....
I have promised Paul I will get rid of some of my strollers and prams....so now I have to decide which ones to part with, and get them out, clean them up, take their pictures, and put them on ebay.....as if I don't have enough to do that I am not doing.....
The things I procrastinate most on: phone calls, especially to straighten out insurance stuff. One thing I have to straighten out, that I just dread, is a bill for my son Benjamin's college....he went to a community college in the next county over, and stayed in the dorms. He signed a year dorm contract. He did not like staying in the dorm. It was expensive, and loud. He was in with 4 other boys, and they partied. Not that he didn't....but he found it hard to study. So, he signed up for spring classes at the community college in our county, and signed the "release from the contract" thing 3 or 4 days late. Now, the college has a policy that you have to be enrolled in classes in order to live in the dorms. But nonetheless, they are billing him for the spring semester in the dorm, when he wasn't there, and they even filled his spot, as they have a waiting list of a few hundred kids.....so, I filed a motion to be exempt from payment...blah, blah, blah, and it was denied. They want their money....almost $2000. I talked to so many people.....got transferred, ect. and they still want their money. Why on earth do they want money from Ben, when his place was taken? Now, they won't send his transcripts to the other college, so he can't get enrolled in nursing school unless we pay, or they change their minds.....I need to make some more phone calls, and now I don't feel so great....and if you are thinking that Ben should take care of this himself, you are right. But also wrong......he has tried.....
Well, Emily the nurse is home, and Abigail is here, and Mariel, and Sam.....who should be going to bed....Joe and Aaron are here, the little ones are in bed....I feel like going in the hot tub, but I am too tired to get up out of this chair...luckily I got the girls' clothes out already last night, and they skipped today, so.....
My girls are planning a trip to the Adirondacks this weekend....lucky, eh? The leaves are so pretty this time of the year....
I have promised Paul I will get rid of some of my strollers and prams....so now I have to decide which ones to part with, and get them out, clean them up, take their pictures, and put them on ebay.....as if I don't have enough to do that I am not doing.....
The things I procrastinate most on: phone calls, especially to straighten out insurance stuff. One thing I have to straighten out, that I just dread, is a bill for my son Benjamin's college....he went to a community college in the next county over, and stayed in the dorms. He signed a year dorm contract. He did not like staying in the dorm. It was expensive, and loud. He was in with 4 other boys, and they partied. Not that he didn't....but he found it hard to study. So, he signed up for spring classes at the community college in our county, and signed the "release from the contract" thing 3 or 4 days late. Now, the college has a policy that you have to be enrolled in classes in order to live in the dorms. But nonetheless, they are billing him for the spring semester in the dorm, when he wasn't there, and they even filled his spot, as they have a waiting list of a few hundred kids.....so, I filed a motion to be exempt from payment...blah, blah, blah, and it was denied. They want their money....almost $2000. I talked to so many people.....got transferred, ect. and they still want their money. Why on earth do they want money from Ben, when his place was taken? Now, they won't send his transcripts to the other college, so he can't get enrolled in nursing school unless we pay, or they change their minds.....I need to make some more phone calls, and now I don't feel so great....and if you are thinking that Ben should take care of this himself, you are right. But also wrong......he has tried.....
Well, Emily the nurse is home, and Abigail is here, and Mariel, and Sam.....who should be going to bed....Joe and Aaron are here, the little ones are in bed....I feel like going in the hot tub, but I am too tired to get up out of this chair...luckily I got the girls' clothes out already last night, and they skipped today, so.....
My girls are planning a trip to the Adirondacks this weekend....lucky, eh? The leaves are so pretty this time of the year....
my poor computer
It is sick...seems to have a virus....but Aaron is home from school now, and he's looking at it...he is 15 years old, and way smarter than me.
So, I am hogging a turn on the family computer...I just wanted to get on here and say a few things....sometimes I read the things I have written, and I sound so proud of myself. It's embarrassing. I am not so proud of myself. I feel like we're barely functioning around here sometimes. People say things sometimes like, "I don't know how you do it, I only have "?" kids, and I can't manage...." Oh dear, how can I explain that it is no different here?
And when I talk about teaching the kids manners, yes, that is a good thing. But they still burp (and worse) in Walmart and embarrass the heck out of me, and I think I am too much of a friend to them sometimes for them to properly respect me. I never would have been to my parents like they are to us....is that a generation thing, or was I just more fearful of my parents? I also don't like to give advice to people, except to be quick to love, quick to forgive, and be patient. Other than that, I really have no right to give advice, I am too wishy-washy. I do not dole out very many punishments. We sort of do this "expect good things" parenting, and just let them know we're dispointed when they're bad....the older kids sometimes accuse me of not taking enough action...."Are you going to just let him get away with that, Mom?!!!".....(where THEY got all this wisdom, I don't know...).....anyway, just want to apologize if I give the impression that I know the right way to do things.....also, I am an at home mom, though I go places almost every day. I am thankful that works for us. I am not narrowminded enough to be judgemental toward anyone elses' choices. I just like writing on here, getting to know other people.....so if you see me getting too preachy, just tell me!
The girls are suddenly interested in hand sewing. Suzanne came to me last night with a needle and thread, and a little piece of fabric.....so I showed her how to get started....if there is one thing my kids learn, it's persistence...she had to follow me around a bit before I had time to get to it....anyway, Margaret, Kathryn, and Evelyn are now sewing, too...I let them have some "stuffing" for their pillows....
So, I am hogging a turn on the family computer...I just wanted to get on here and say a few things....sometimes I read the things I have written, and I sound so proud of myself. It's embarrassing. I am not so proud of myself. I feel like we're barely functioning around here sometimes. People say things sometimes like, "I don't know how you do it, I only have "?" kids, and I can't manage...." Oh dear, how can I explain that it is no different here?
And when I talk about teaching the kids manners, yes, that is a good thing. But they still burp (and worse) in Walmart and embarrass the heck out of me, and I think I am too much of a friend to them sometimes for them to properly respect me. I never would have been to my parents like they are to us....is that a generation thing, or was I just more fearful of my parents? I also don't like to give advice to people, except to be quick to love, quick to forgive, and be patient. Other than that, I really have no right to give advice, I am too wishy-washy. I do not dole out very many punishments. We sort of do this "expect good things" parenting, and just let them know we're dispointed when they're bad....the older kids sometimes accuse me of not taking enough action...."Are you going to just let him get away with that, Mom?!!!".....(where THEY got all this wisdom, I don't know...).....anyway, just want to apologize if I give the impression that I know the right way to do things.....also, I am an at home mom, though I go places almost every day. I am thankful that works for us. I am not narrowminded enough to be judgemental toward anyone elses' choices. I just like writing on here, getting to know other people.....so if you see me getting too preachy, just tell me!
The girls are suddenly interested in hand sewing. Suzanne came to me last night with a needle and thread, and a little piece of fabric.....so I showed her how to get started....if there is one thing my kids learn, it's persistence...she had to follow me around a bit before I had time to get to it....anyway, Margaret, Kathryn, and Evelyn are now sewing, too...I let them have some "stuffing" for their pillows....
school skip day
What do you get when you have 9 children that go to school, and they are exhausted, and coming down with colds?
6 kids that stayed home! But you know what? Nice mom that I am, I did not even wake up the 3 younger girls. They need some rest. It is my happy balance between homeschooling and sending them to public school. Their weekend started with Friday night activity club, and they were up very late.....then up excited on Saturday morning for the soccer....gone all day 'til 10:30 at night, then a few of them went with me with Molly, Sam, and Margaret for the last game yesterday....
So here I am in the quiet....Abigail is leaving for college in a few minutes, but other than that the house is silent.....and I love it.
And I am sure that I will regret keeping them home 20 times today, when they fight.....our older ones never fought, but the 5 girls in 5 years, as I refer to them, have their moments.
The school nurse calls when the kids are absent. Sometimes I forget who's here and who isn't. One time she called and asked why a certain kid, let's say, "Joe", wasn't in school, and I said he wasn't feeling well.....then the nurse called back and said, oops, he's here.....oops.
Well, I am not looking forward to cold weather. When it's nice out, the kids are out. They run, and swing, and jump, and ride. Even when it's rainy, they go out. And snowy. But when it's freezing, or cold and rainy, or when a cold wind is blowing, which is a good part of our winter, they are in here with more energy than I can seem to channel. Last year I bought a little trampoline, and they jumped on that all the time. But the living room is only so big, and it got put out on the deck for the summer. Do I want that that back in the living room? I also bought a Little Tikes slide for the house, and it got put out. I don't like the clutter either, but we have no playroom, and the kids have to play.....we need an addition...no, I cannot start thinking that way.....we are fine!
We have a really nice community recreation center, only 4 miles away. But getting the kids out in the winter, and back in....well, maybe.....
And why am I fussing about winter already when it's only the first day of autumn? Because yesterday it was chilly and rainy, and the kids were bouncing off the walls....and I was thinking, oh no......
They did take a little soak, or should I say, "splash" in the hot tub....that was nice.
Can you say countless dripping bathing suits?
Well, Kathryn is up.....
6 kids that stayed home! But you know what? Nice mom that I am, I did not even wake up the 3 younger girls. They need some rest. It is my happy balance between homeschooling and sending them to public school. Their weekend started with Friday night activity club, and they were up very late.....then up excited on Saturday morning for the soccer....gone all day 'til 10:30 at night, then a few of them went with me with Molly, Sam, and Margaret for the last game yesterday....
So here I am in the quiet....Abigail is leaving for college in a few minutes, but other than that the house is silent.....and I love it.
And I am sure that I will regret keeping them home 20 times today, when they fight.....our older ones never fought, but the 5 girls in 5 years, as I refer to them, have their moments.
The school nurse calls when the kids are absent. Sometimes I forget who's here and who isn't. One time she called and asked why a certain kid, let's say, "Joe", wasn't in school, and I said he wasn't feeling well.....then the nurse called back and said, oops, he's here.....oops.
Well, I am not looking forward to cold weather. When it's nice out, the kids are out. They run, and swing, and jump, and ride. Even when it's rainy, they go out. And snowy. But when it's freezing, or cold and rainy, or when a cold wind is blowing, which is a good part of our winter, they are in here with more energy than I can seem to channel. Last year I bought a little trampoline, and they jumped on that all the time. But the living room is only so big, and it got put out on the deck for the summer. Do I want that that back in the living room? I also bought a Little Tikes slide for the house, and it got put out. I don't like the clutter either, but we have no playroom, and the kids have to play.....we need an addition...no, I cannot start thinking that way.....we are fine!
We have a really nice community recreation center, only 4 miles away. But getting the kids out in the winter, and back in....well, maybe.....
And why am I fussing about winter already when it's only the first day of autumn? Because yesterday it was chilly and rainy, and the kids were bouncing off the walls....and I was thinking, oh no......
They did take a little soak, or should I say, "splash" in the hot tub....that was nice.
Can you say countless dripping bathing suits?
Well, Kathryn is up.....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
a new week is starting
I like having sort of amnesia, that naivety that thinks a new week is a blank slate....I don't know off hand of any appointments this week...we do need some milk, but Joe has his sneakers....how will my week go? Will it be quiet, enjoyable, and relaxing? You never know. It might be. Ha.
One exciting thing: I bought another carriage. Crazy? Yeah, probably. I had bought that really nice seat, and needed a new chassis for it. Which cost $230 brand new. So I found one on e-bay for $100.....but of course it came with a seat too, and a diaper bag, and umbrella.....which I don't really need, but I "saved" $130..........it is an Inglesina Magnum. Very nice. And I really am going to start selling off my collection, or giving it away....or both.....
I don't know why I like strollers so much. Just can't figure it out. Maybe it is tied to having babies, and I know those are numbered....but my husband has been very patient with me, despite thinking I need mental help.
I don't know what people think when they hear we have so many kids here. I have personally given up my illusions of a "Godly" family long ago.....oh, the meek and obedient children.....the calm, loving mother.....we do eat our dinner together every night, which is priceless. We try to hold Charlotte Claire off from getting her plate, or she'll eat it all before we even pray. And Camille usually sits on my lap, or in her high chair, yelling for everything she sees. Then we hear the , "I hate this!", and ,"I am not hungry".....the laughing, teasing, fooling around, the younger ones taking advantage of having mommy and daddy there to tell things to.... It is a lot of work everynight, just setting the table, serving, cleaning up, pan washing, dishwasher....counters, table, sweeping....yes, we do have alot of help, but it isn't blissful asking certain kids to do certain chores.....and if you have kids, you KNOW they never, or rarely do things the way mommy really wants them done.....and if you call them back too many times, well, they hate it. They think mommy is picky and unthankful.....so, life isn't peaches, but it's pretty nice.....I can't complain.
One exciting thing: I bought another carriage. Crazy? Yeah, probably. I had bought that really nice seat, and needed a new chassis for it. Which cost $230 brand new. So I found one on e-bay for $100.....but of course it came with a seat too, and a diaper bag, and umbrella.....which I don't really need, but I "saved" $130..........it is an Inglesina Magnum. Very nice. And I really am going to start selling off my collection, or giving it away....or both.....
I don't know why I like strollers so much. Just can't figure it out. Maybe it is tied to having babies, and I know those are numbered....but my husband has been very patient with me, despite thinking I need mental help.
I don't know what people think when they hear we have so many kids here. I have personally given up my illusions of a "Godly" family long ago.....oh, the meek and obedient children.....the calm, loving mother.....we do eat our dinner together every night, which is priceless. We try to hold Charlotte Claire off from getting her plate, or she'll eat it all before we even pray. And Camille usually sits on my lap, or in her high chair, yelling for everything she sees. Then we hear the , "I hate this!", and ,"I am not hungry".....the laughing, teasing, fooling around, the younger ones taking advantage of having mommy and daddy there to tell things to.... It is a lot of work everynight, just setting the table, serving, cleaning up, pan washing, dishwasher....counters, table, sweeping....yes, we do have alot of help, but it isn't blissful asking certain kids to do certain chores.....and if you have kids, you KNOW they never, or rarely do things the way mommy really wants them done.....and if you call them back too many times, well, they hate it. They think mommy is picky and unthankful.....so, life isn't peaches, but it's pretty nice.....I can't complain.
sunday night
and the kids are in bed, except Mariel, Joe, Aaron, Molly, Sam, Margaret, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille.....Camille is climbing around, and I wouldn't mind tucking her in soon. Charlotte Claire has more energy right now than I ever have....running across the couch, not allowed! And Jon is busy with the tape and scissors and some store receipts, taping them together....
I did get the kids' clothes out for tomorrow, and I looked at their folders, and helped them with their homework....but I am very behind on laundry....and lots of other stuff....
Soccer weekend was nice, especially if you enjoy seeing your kids' team get beat 5 times. They had fun, though. And I had a nice time selling sno cones and candy to the kids.....it was very busy though.....
Jon has a Sunoco sticker, like a bumper sticker, from Emily. He is very smart. He said he knows it says "gas station"....
Well, Camille is crying, and needs to go to bed.....maybe I'll try this later...
I did get the kids' clothes out for tomorrow, and I looked at their folders, and helped them with their homework....but I am very behind on laundry....and lots of other stuff....
Soccer weekend was nice, especially if you enjoy seeing your kids' team get beat 5 times. They had fun, though. And I had a nice time selling sno cones and candy to the kids.....it was very busy though.....
Jon has a Sunoco sticker, like a bumper sticker, from Emily. He is very smart. He said he knows it says "gas station"....
Well, Camille is crying, and needs to go to bed.....maybe I'll try this later...
Friday, September 19, 2008
brilliantly beautiful skies
Here is our dog, Champ. He is very old, 14 and a half. He was Joseph's puppy, and Joseph used to used to hold him on his lap when he went on the swings, and just carry him around....and then he grew and grew into a big fluffy dog. His does not like to be brushed or groomed, but I snip him when I get a chance, to get those mats out of his long tangly hair. Champ, we thing, shouldn't be subject to another central New York winter. He is not an inside dog, either. We let him in, and he stays by the door. We always let him in when he wants in. He likes being outside. But it is hard for him to get up, and he shakes a little when he walks. He has started throwing up quite often. He is going deaf. I feel so sorry for him. I just can't bear to see him try to come up our deck steps in the icy wind that is coming soon....or run through the snow....is it more humane to have him put to sleep before his life gets too rough? What a decision. I don't want to see him suffer.
Here is the crazy Jonathan on his purple bike, with the new orange bike horn....
Here he is checking out the dead bird the nice kitties left on the sidewalk for us. Jon think it looks like a monster, because of it's legs. I told him it's a good thing the kitty got it before it grew too huge.....
Emily was cutting up the tree that fell down, and she found this Robin's nest, with eggs still in it.....the bad kitties probably got the mama bird back in the spring. Jon thinks it's cool, though....

Uh-oh, injury....just a small cut....little Miss Charlotte Claire took her shoes and socks off, and stepped on something. Lucky for us Emily the nurse is home today.....

Isn't this pretty? These pears are from the tree in our yard. The skins are too thick, and they don't taste too good....but we thought maybe we could peel them and do something with them....

Here's a trick: keep your kitchen/dining room table cleaned off, with something nice on it, like flowers....it tends to shift the focus a little away from all the other clutter....see the background? All the yummy stuff I bought that doesn't fit in the cupboard. And the doll stroller, and the bag of jeans that Sam outgrew.....

Okay, what's wrong with this picture? The wrong child is in the baby seat. Camille can pull herself up to standing now....and unfortunately Charlotte Claire thinks that is just plain wrong. She yells to me, "Baby, baby!!", and proceeds to push her back down where she thinks she belongs....is she just jealous, or does she really think she's helping keep baby down?

I just added this one of Evelyn doing her homework....

One thing: on a recent post, there was a comment that was deleted. I didn't do it. I more than welcome comments, and if you don't agree with me, that is great. I have been wrong about so many things through the years...I welcome any differing views. Oh, and I do apologize for saying, "too many people"...here in the house. I want to clarify that I love having all these kids. God sent them, true, but I have loved it. I enjoy them, get a kick out of them, wouldn't want it any other way. So I have been doubly blessed. I mean, what if I trusted God for sending the children as He saw fit, and I didn't really like babies?(Thankfully, I absoultely love them, if someone handed me a newborn, I would take it, and love it....I just have never met a baby I didn't want to steal....wait, I wouldn't really steal a baby....you know what I mean) Anyway, in answer to another question: will I have any more? Let me tell you, I would take another baby in a second. My body is a bit old, and a bit tired, and more than a bit stretched out, but you didn't need to know that, did you? But still, I would love one more. And one more after that....I don't think I'll ever feel done. But I am also open to my wonderful dr. and Midwifes' advice....so I won't be stupid, either. And come on, are you thinking, "BE stupid? You have already BEEN stupid?".....
Emily was cutting up the tree that fell down, and she found this Robin's nest, with eggs still in it.....the bad kitties probably got the mama bird back in the spring. Jon thinks it's cool, though....
Uh-oh, injury....just a small cut....little Miss Charlotte Claire took her shoes and socks off, and stepped on something. Lucky for us Emily the nurse is home today.....
Isn't this pretty? These pears are from the tree in our yard. The skins are too thick, and they don't taste too good....but we thought maybe we could peel them and do something with them....
Here's a trick: keep your kitchen/dining room table cleaned off, with something nice on it, like flowers....it tends to shift the focus a little away from all the other clutter....see the background? All the yummy stuff I bought that doesn't fit in the cupboard. And the doll stroller, and the bag of jeans that Sam outgrew.....
Okay, what's wrong with this picture? The wrong child is in the baby seat. Camille can pull herself up to standing now....and unfortunately Charlotte Claire thinks that is just plain wrong. She yells to me, "Baby, baby!!", and proceeds to push her back down where she thinks she belongs....is she just jealous, or does she really think she's helping keep baby down?
I just added this one of Evelyn doing her homework....
One thing: on a recent post, there was a comment that was deleted. I didn't do it. I more than welcome comments, and if you don't agree with me, that is great. I have been wrong about so many things through the years...I welcome any differing views. Oh, and I do apologize for saying, "too many people"...here in the house. I want to clarify that I love having all these kids. God sent them, true, but I have loved it. I enjoy them, get a kick out of them, wouldn't want it any other way. So I have been doubly blessed. I mean, what if I trusted God for sending the children as He saw fit, and I didn't really like babies?(Thankfully, I absoultely love them, if someone handed me a newborn, I would take it, and love it....I just have never met a baby I didn't want to steal....wait, I wouldn't really steal a baby....you know what I mean) Anyway, in answer to another question: will I have any more? Let me tell you, I would take another baby in a second. My body is a bit old, and a bit tired, and more than a bit stretched out, but you didn't need to know that, did you? But still, I would love one more. And one more after that....I don't think I'll ever feel done. But I am also open to my wonderful dr. and Midwifes' advice....so I won't be stupid, either. And come on, are you thinking, "BE stupid? You have already BEEN stupid?".....
I have been blessed today: two of my brothers have stopped over. Bob, my oldest, brought over some apples....and Tom, the next in line, stopped to bring his daughter some stuff....she is here to go shopping with some of the girls....so, I got to talk to both of them today, and it was nice. AND, I talked to my sister, and sister-in-law, and my younger brother on the phone today.....very lucky day.....
And now, on this brilliantly beautiful day, I have to go to the dreaded Walmart...or wherever else I can get some cheap sneakers for Joseph....he has been getting "unprepared" 's for gym everyday, which is totally unfair, because he can't help it that we haven't gotten him sneakers yet....I need to call the school, I guess......now I have to go see who I have to bring, and who is okay to stay home....and who will start dinner.....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
my stroller
This is the bassinette for Susan's carriage....Susan is one of my only sister's 7 daughters....she is having a baby in December....I gave her my BumbleRide carriage....I had bought it brand new, and it is still very nice.....this is a basinette that goes with it. I am posting this for her to see....so maybe she'll be compelled to come pick it up.....
Here it is with the German sleeping bag that came with a different pram...

Here it is with the German sleeping bag that came with a different pram...
Ingelsina seat.....this is cool, it unzips and there is a mesh window, to keep baby cool....
Charlotte Claire is checking it out....it is very nice. I got it on e-bay brand new in the box for only $30!

The only problem: it does not fit on any of the stroller chassis (what the heck is the plural of chassis, just chassis?) So, now I have to buy one!! But I am going to liquidate my inventory of strollers. Anyone need a pram?

The stripes are reflective, but when you look at it, it isn't really like that, the camera just highlights it.
Charlotte Claire wanted to get in here, I don't blame her, but I told her just her dolly could....

Okay, I have alot of strollers. Way too many. Around 20.....but I am going to get rid of some. Anyone need a stroller?
Charlotte Claire is checking it out....it is very nice. I got it on e-bay brand new in the box for only $30!
The only problem: it does not fit on any of the stroller chassis (what the heck is the plural of chassis, just chassis?) So, now I have to buy one!! But I am going to liquidate my inventory of strollers. Anyone need a pram?
The stripes are reflective, but when you look at it, it isn't really like that, the camera just highlights it.
Charlotte Claire wanted to get in here, I don't blame her, but I told her just her dolly could....
Okay, I have alot of strollers. Way too many. Around 20.....but I am going to get rid of some. Anyone need a stroller?
Well, today we went to get Joseph's sneakers. He is such a good boy. He said he didn't care where we went. So we went to Wal-Mart. I took Kathryn and Camille and looked around at other things while he picked some out. Then we found him some Levi's for $7, and a t-shirt for $5, and a new belt....and some mechanical pencils, as he is a draw-er (is that a word?), and a new sketchbook.....he is a good boy. He is fine with Walmart sneakers. He has longish hair, and with the chipped front tooth he aquired this summer biting candy, and the new facial hair he doesn't shave off yet, and this crazy leather hat he likes to wear, he looks like a stupid hick. And I don't mean to offend any stupid hicks. But he looks like he would be capable of kicking a cat. Not too dangerous, just a little stupid and a little mean. He was laughing at this, believe me. But I told him that people do judge by what they see, and when they look at him, they don't know that he is kind, and persceptive, gentle, thankful, creative, funny, and good. He says he feels just creative, and he looks like an artist. Well, maybe a cat-kicking artist.....
We got home, and all the kids were leaving for Friday night activity club. Which left Paul and I home with only Charlotte Claire and Camille. If any of you out there reading this have two kids, I do remember how that was. And it ain't easy. Especially when the older one likes to bully the younger one.....kiss her too hard....squeeze her when mom isn't looking...
Tomorrow is a special day. It is the semi-annual soccer tournament between the fellowships in our church. The churches from Delaware, Connecticut, Urbana (ohio), Detroit, Ottowa and Toronto (Canada) will be there, along with our Syracuse team (even though we live quite aways away from Syracuse)......the kids from 11 - 16 participate, and we watch, and have some fellowship. Our church also runs the snack bar, which is very busy. I'll be making snocones while watching the games, and keeping an eye on the younger ones.....it will be great to see all the kids though. There are so many kids in our church, because so many believe in accepting them from God. So when we get together, having sixteen kids isn't that strange. There are many with 6,8,10, 15, and a few other with 16......and I do know of two families that had 17.....so, when we get together for conferences and soccer weekends, the kids outnumber the adults.
Anyway, we go for the whole day. So tonight I had to get their clothes out, and pack up some lunch, fill the diaper bag.....I will take some pictures, it I remember the memory card....
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