summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, September 29, 2008

it's late at night, and I am the only one still up

and I am sure I'll kick myself in the morning.....but the quiet is so delicious....just me and the cat. Sorry, the cat and I.

I love the proverb, : "Tommorrow is the busiest day of the week.." Eternal optimist that I am, I keep thinking I am going to accomplish something around here. Something more than the actually buying the paint and spackel for the kids' room...or cleaning out and organizing Charlotte Claire's room, where all the toys get thrown when the kids clean....or figuring out a better system for the shoes...or organizing a cupboard....or sorting through Camille's clothes, packing up the small ones......or buying the new t.v. cabinet I can sand and stain it....or getting the new parts for my sewing machine, which will open up a whole 'nother world of possiblities that are hard to accomplish....

But, the days go by......and now, Mariel is leaving. Not forever, just for a month or two. She isn't sure yet. She is going to visit Canada, and help a friend who is having her 7th ? baby..... the details aren't worked out yet, so if you see Mariel, don't tell her I am telling people already.....anyway, we (we being me) had some big plans of small home improvements to accomplish before she starts college for spring term....and now she is leaving. Which is really okay....I have been spoiled rotten, having her around.....I will have trouble going to simple appointments with the three little ones by myself, let alone doing 2 cartfull shopping trips.....I will adjust, but I don't want to! I want life to get easier, not harder! Just a little ranting...perfectly normal folks, nothing to get alarmed about....

In myself I see a disparity between what I want to do and what I am able to realistically do, and in this I need to find contentment. Should I rather wish my life away? Wishing for clean, organized cupboards and empty laundry hampers?

I also see I need to stop, and think about how I am proceeding, regarding dealing with the kids. I can be so set in the "no talking back, no telling me "no," listen the first time"...thing, that I get a bit drill-seargeanty (that MUST be a word).....I need to teach the kids, to enforce what I say, but at the same time, be patient......did you know there is a verse in the bible that says, "love covers a multitude of sin...." (sorry, I do not know where it is written) I can't be just snapping at people because things bug me....

Tonight I suggested to Paul that we concentrate more on giving the kids lots of attention each evening, then get them to bed before we do anything of our own...sounds like "duh", I know....but hey, when you've had children around for 24 years without a break, you can tend to fall into habits, and not think a whole lot about what would be better, or best.....

So, my mid-year resolutions:

1. Hug the kids more, tell them how much I love them...

2. Wait a minute before I get after them, and say things more carefully...

3. Totally phase out the threats. Give consequences, enforce them, drop it, end it....

4. Give each one my full undivided attention as much as humanly possible.

5. Stop pretending I am listening, and really listen....

6. Stop nagging. Totally stop nagging. Oh, I would love to be free from this plague. It makes me ugly, and makes them want to run away....

7. Start lifting weights in the evening....this seems unrelated, because it is unrelated. But I still want to do it. I used to lift weights with my brothers in my growing up years, and I loved it. I tried a few years back, but just didn't stick with it. I need excercise.

8. Be more thankful. Like I have said many many times, thankfulness is more powerful than complaining. As soon as thankfulness to God is introduced, all spirits of discontent have to flee. They are not strong enough to stand up to the power of thankfulness. And yet we more. No more.

9. I want to think of others much much more. When I pray for others, my problems seem to just dim.....

10. I want to go out to lunch with my sister before Mariel leaves for Canada.....very important!!

Well, I feel better already. Much cheaper than therapy. I just sit here and write, and get focused again on life, get some direction....sorry!!!!


Peta said...

No apology neccersary(spelling?), we all need to sit back and reflect every now and again. Hope you get your lunch with your sister soon.

Anonymous said...

about lifting weights you can start lifting some kids :)
they will like it, and they get your full attention during this time ;)

You can also take one up and down the hill with you, that's for when they're too heavy to be lift up ;)

resolutions are great, even if you keep just half of them.. that's already a lot of change! and seeing it as a black and white list is going to help you remember what you want to stick to..
praying for you today :)