summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, October 23, 2009

ahh, quiet...

I don't seek quiet, but when it arrives, I welcome it.

I don't have any pictures of the enchanted walk because Margaret has my camera. But it sure was fun. Dark and rainy, chilly but not actually cold, the path lit only by the hundreds of uniquely carved jack-o-lanterns. I could barely see the kids in front of me, but I could certainly hear them. They had a grand time, singing and exclaiming over the different pumpkins. We took a break inside the building, with animal crackers and drinks and peanut butter cups, then on to another trail. It was so much fun.

Paul was home with Camille. I took her to the dr. today, and her temperature was 104.4. Not too bad. ha. He said she has bronchitis with maybe the flu. He seems hesitant to label anything "swine flu", or the other government approved name. I think Paul and I already had it over a month ago. But who knows, it could have been a different one. My kids seem to be prone to get croup, and October is croup month for some reason. 18 years ago, Mirielle was 19 months old and Joseph was five months old, and they were both hospitalized for croup, one then the other. The simply could not breathe. (Mirielle went in the ambulance, but that is a story for another day) Anyway, the dr. gave Camille some generic Zithromax and some prednisone for the croup. She seemed a bit better this evening, but she coughed and threw up, which is lovely I know, but we had just put dry clothes on her after she spilled her water all over.....I won't even mention Rosie's part in the whole mess.....ugh.

So tomorrow, on Saturday, the rest of our clothes are coming back. I don't know where my brain is, they called when I was going out the door to the Enchanted Pumpkin walk, and I wasn't thinking. I should have said I was busy tomorrow. Rats. I mean, I want the clothes and everything, but I will feel compelled to start putting them away.

The girls have their two cousins over spending the night. (one is the sweetie who had the awful birthday party)....I like those two girls, they don't cause much girl drama when they come over. One of them likes to clean the kids' room, too. I told them when they went to bed that if anyone wakes up early, to just sneak out and watch cartoons, don't wake anyone up. That is the major drawback of sleepovers, the earlyness of them. But they went to bed so nicely tonight, they must have been tired out from the trail-walking.

I am tired too...tired enough to go to bed, although I probably won't yet....


Tiffany said...

Oh wow - sounds like a day!

FLmom7 said...

I hope Camille gets better soon, poor baby, and that no one else gets it.

Tereza said...

Poor camille:(
I dislike sleepovers for that if life isn't chotic enough we now need to make it mroe chaotic with a super late night and super early moroning right?:) But I can't be mean like that so I usually say yes:):):)