I tried a few times this morning to write on here....it didn't work. Life happened. Or rather these two little girls kept me on my toes as I tried to make the house a nice place to live in. The propane man stopped in to help us determine why all of the sudden our stove smells like kerosene when turned on. Canadian propane that has a smell to it, he said. Harmless, he said. If it continues and is still smelling like that in a week, call him, he said. I told him about our dryer fire, and we didn't want to experience anything like that again. He really should have just taken our tank and delivered some new propane that doesn't smell like the house is on fire when I cook. It scares Jonathan. Anyway, I had to show him where the hot water heater is so he could re-light it, and I was gone from the room for maybe five minutes. Long enough for the two girls to have some fun with a green marker.
I don't usually put up these kinds of pictures, but this was too cute. Charlotte Claire did this to her....why all of her clothes were off is a question they had no answer for.
After they had a bath and some warm clothes on, they had their lunch and I made cookies.....I put some chicken in marinade for dinner. I cleaned the kitchen while the cookies baked. And now I am taking a very pleasant break, because we all know what I had with my afternoon coffee. I made a triple batch. The first trip kids came in from school and put a small dent in them.
The girls are settling down a bit and learning to get along a bit better. It has been a strange adjustment for them to go from being with all the kids to just being with me during the day. It is strange for me, too. It seems like my life has just been filled with little ones, and all of the sudden, just two kids here during the day. It is so funny, it's like I've gone back in time to 22 years ago when Emily and Abigail were the little ones. Except the house gets way messier way faster and I have way less energy to clean it up. But I have learned a few things along the way....right now, the school bus is here, second trip of kids. I need to go and listen to them and regulate the cookie intake.....
"regulate the cookie intake" HA HA sounds Sooooo familiar!
Haha! Dont you love what they an get up to in 5 minutes with a marker! Too cute :-)
Cassandra xx
Oh my goodness, those girls and the green marker, LOL!!! I'm laughing of course, because it wasn't my children this time:-) Hopefully that was washable marker!
That picture shouls be illegal!
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