Here it is with the German sleeping bag that came with a different pram...
Ingelsina seat.....this is cool, it unzips and there is a mesh window, to keep baby cool....
Charlotte Claire is checking it is very nice. I got it on e-bay brand new in the box for only $30!

The only problem: it does not fit on any of the stroller chassis (what the heck is the plural of chassis, just chassis?) So, now I have to buy one!! But I am going to liquidate my inventory of strollers. Anyone need a pram?

The stripes are reflective, but when you look at it, it isn't really like that, the camera just highlights it.
Charlotte Claire wanted to get in here, I don't blame her, but I told her just her dolly could....

Okay, I have alot of strollers. Way too many. Around 20.....but I am going to get rid of some. Anyone need a stroller?
Charlotte Claire is checking it is very nice. I got it on e-bay brand new in the box for only $30!
The only problem: it does not fit on any of the stroller chassis (what the heck is the plural of chassis, just chassis?) So, now I have to buy one!! But I am going to liquidate my inventory of strollers. Anyone need a pram?
The stripes are reflective, but when you look at it, it isn't really like that, the camera just highlights it.
Charlotte Claire wanted to get in here, I don't blame her, but I told her just her dolly could....
Okay, I have alot of strollers. Way too many. Around 20.....but I am going to get rid of some. Anyone need a stroller?
Well, today we went to get Joseph's sneakers. He is such a good boy. He said he didn't care where we went. So we went to Wal-Mart. I took Kathryn and Camille and looked around at other things while he picked some out. Then we found him some Levi's for $7, and a t-shirt for $5, and a new belt....and some mechanical pencils, as he is a draw-er (is that a word?), and a new sketchbook.....he is a good boy. He is fine with Walmart sneakers. He has longish hair, and with the chipped front tooth he aquired this summer biting candy, and the new facial hair he doesn't shave off yet, and this crazy leather hat he likes to wear, he looks like a stupid hick. And I don't mean to offend any stupid hicks. But he looks like he would be capable of kicking a cat. Not too dangerous, just a little stupid and a little mean. He was laughing at this, believe me. But I told him that people do judge by what they see, and when they look at him, they don't know that he is kind, and persceptive, gentle, thankful, creative, funny, and good. He says he feels just creative, and he looks like an artist. Well, maybe a cat-kicking artist.....
We got home, and all the kids were leaving for Friday night activity club. Which left Paul and I home with only Charlotte Claire and Camille. If any of you out there reading this have two kids, I do remember how that was. And it ain't easy. Especially when the older one likes to bully the younger one.....kiss her too hard....squeeze her when mom isn't looking...
Tomorrow is a special day. It is the semi-annual soccer tournament between the fellowships in our church. The churches from Delaware, Connecticut, Urbana (ohio), Detroit, Ottowa and Toronto (Canada) will be there, along with our Syracuse team (even though we live quite aways away from Syracuse)......the kids from 11 - 16 participate, and we watch, and have some fellowship. Our church also runs the snack bar, which is very busy. I'll be making snocones while watching the games, and keeping an eye on the younger will be great to see all the kids though. There are so many kids in our church, because so many believe in accepting them from God. So when we get together, having sixteen kids isn't that strange. There are many with 6,8,10, 15, and a few other with 16......and I do know of two families that had, when we get together for conferences and soccer weekends, the kids outnumber the adults.
Anyway, we go for the whole day. So tonight I had to get their clothes out, and pack up some lunch, fill the diaper bag.....I will take some pictures, it I remember the memory card....
The bassinette looks way too cute, but then again, I love prams, strollers and carriages. And the stroller seat you purchased from ebay looks way too cute, but then again, I love prams, strollers and carriages. And babies!! I'll pick up the bassinette!!
'And I don't mean to offend any stupid hicks. But he looks like he would be capable of kicking a cat.
Well, maybe a cat-kicking artist.....'
OMG Della your so funny, i was having a drink when i read that and laughed so hard it came back out my nose LOL
I cant beleive you have 20 prams... eek! i have 4 atm but i want to sell one to buy another different kind, Joe gets mad if i have too many , so i have to keep it at an acceptable level lol :-)
I hope you had fun making sno cones
what cute strollers and basinettes. Twenty of them! I thought I was bad - well maybe I am, I just have one so far. And this other one in my belly, that depsite it being his due date, is showing no signs of coming.......but alas I digress. We have one umbrella stroller (inherited), another one that folds in half - great because it has a basket but too big even when folded, so we got yet another. So that's 3 umbrella strollers. Then we have our jogging/hiking stroller. Sans brakes because when it was strapped to the top of the car on a beach trip, Hubby forgot and tried to pull into a garage which was slightly too short! Oh well at least it was just the brakes. And then we have the infant stroller, with the car seat/carrier that snaps in and out.
Oh the places we go......Sometimes I'm glad my Daughter is out of hers and can walk. Othertimes it would be so nice to strap her in and keep her still!!!
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