summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, September 18, 2008

spelling tests tomorrow

and now, I am not obsessive about good grades. But when I see one of the girls come home with a lousy grade on a spelling test, I feel personally responsible. Because I know if I study with them, they do much better. The very first test of the year, one of them totally flunked. So I am trying to work with all of them so as to not single her out. It also makes them feel good when they study the words and come home with that 100%......

We went to a really nice park today. Mariel, Sam (who was "sick" today), Sonja (who was "sick" today), Jon, Charlotte Claire, Camille, and I......we were out of milk, and bread, and fresh produce, so decided to take the long haul, 45 minutes away to the good grocery store. The day was so absolutely gorgeous, 65 and sunny, with a nice breeze, that Mariel suggested a we went to one on the river, with ducks and gulls, and a really cool new playground.......Jon, Sonja, and Charlotte Claire were all on the swings, and I took out the camera only to discover the memory card was in the computer.....darn!

Then on to the grocery store. This particular store gives out helium balloons to children. My children have found this out. They remember this at some stage of the shopping trip. Mariel is just thrilled to push the double car cart filled with children with balloons.

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Is that why everyone was looking at me like I'd already been in there today?