summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, May 7, 2010


I don't have long to write, I have to wash my long tangly hair speedy-quick and get clothes out for the little ones and get going within an hour....that is, if I want to drive Mirielle so we aren't taking two vehicles to the small city. I am thinking I need a quick run into Walmart, ha, no such thing. She only has class for an hour, then needs to go to Aldi, so.....I COULD just give her my credit card.....

I knew it wouldn't last forever....this luxury of having Abigail around so much...her handing-out-samples job at Sam's Club is only a few days a week. She got a job offer yesterday for an accounting job, and she accepted. Of course I am happy for her, I am just sad for ME. No more spontaneous outings to PriceChopper, or trips to the small city. wah. She doesn't until the week after next, so we can have a last hurrah.

Mirielle also might possibly have a job for the summer, she won't like it if I write it here, but if she gets it, it will be in another country...and not England.

I know they have to grow up and leave the nest, one would think it would be a relief. But not to me. It is hard. I love having them around, even more when they grow up, as they grow into such nice adults! I am so totally blessed by my older kids. The little kids are, too. Yesterday, Emily pulled into the driveway in her cool new Suzuki, and left with Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, and Charlotte Claire. She had a birthday celebration with them...I asked her why she was doing this, and she said, "I made a banana cake". They stayed for dinner, played with our old kitty that she adopted, and climbed a few new trees in her yard.

Well, if I am going to go somewhere this morning, I had better get moving....I like writing in the morning, not moving....but......

1 comment:

FLmom7 said...

What a blessing to have adult children care so much for their siblings and be such a good friend to their mom!