As far as I am concerned, she is fine in the pile-of-blankets bed for a little bit...I am thinking to maybe add her to the Suzanne-Sonja-Jonathan bedroom instead of putting her in with Light On All Night Charlotte Claire....
This morning, in fact in like 45 minutes, I have an appointment in the small city for Miss Mali, because she hurt her hip running track, and has been walking around in pain....she took a week off from running, but it didn't get better, so off we go to have it checked out.
Yesterday I got all the ingredients for the 800 cookies we are going to bake today. Six 72 ounce bags of Nestle chips....and no, this won't make me sick of chocolate chip cookies. I tweak the regular recipe, adding half shortening and half real butter. I also use a 2 to 1 ratio of brown sugar to white, and use real vanilla.
So obviously I have sat here longer than I should have, I have to be out the door in eight minutes. Mirielle is staying here with the kids, I am so spoiled. I did take Miss Camille-The-Helpless with me yesterday though, and she was fine. She got french fries and Tinkerbell fruit snacks, so of course she was fine.
Oh, don't worry at all about the 'pile of blankets bed'! She has way more in her life than millions of kids who have a fancy bed, fancy bedroom, get carted out to daycare 5 days/week from the time they are 3 months old ... you know what I mean. And she has so much more than millions of kids who have no roof over their heads, not enough food for their bellies, no large loving, doting family surrounding at all given moments. Have a great Friday and weekend! :-)
At least one of mine slept on a mattress on the floor for a time. Josiah actually preferred to sleep on the floor while using his crib mattress for a pillow. They all had "real" beds eventually and no one ever had to sleep on the ground with a rock for a pillow.
I have been eying a recipe for orange chocolate chip cookies. Supposed to taste like that chocolate oranges they sell for an arm and a leg around the holidays. Stay tuned...
My 10 yr old likes to sleep on a foam camping mat on the living room chair. he has a bed, just does not get along with his room mates.
My kids are always begging to sleep on the floor . . .In the summer, I let them because they don't seem to sleep as well and it doesn't matter so much. A comment on the cookies: they were delicious and the first thing I thought when I saw them, was all the work it took to bake and wrap them. I said so to Paul, that I always think of how much work is put into those meals! So, thank you, it was all so very delicious!!!
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