summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

happy birthday charlotte claire

Today she is four years can that possibly be? I got some ice cream yesterday, and she has already asked me twice when I am going to make the cake. She wants spaghetti for dinner, which is funny because that is my old stand-by, my ace-in-the-hole dinner. For some reason we haven't had it in weeks. So tonight, in honor of the sweetie-pie, we are having spaghetti. I even have a bag of frozen meatballs, so it will be easy...oh, I bought fresh burger yesterday, so I will make homemade....I am going to be busy today!

Evelyn Joy didn't go to school today. She said she is doing all review and it is boring. I never actually gave her permission to stay home, she just didn't get up and get moving, and the next thing I knew, I was getting the other kids out the door, and there she was, on the couch. hmm. She gets excellent grades though, and is only in the fourth grade. A day home with mom won't hurt her. She is mature enough to take a few little girls outside while their mommy decorates a cake, too.

When I got home from the store yesterday, I put the rest of the dozen donuts I had bought into the back of the van. Then this morning when I finished walking Rosie, I stopped by the van and got them out....the kids were pretty happy when I brought them in for breakfast. Such a healthy breakfast, with milk, ha. But like everything else, when it is done only occasionally, it is okay. And they DID have milk. 1% milk. When I grew up, we always drank whole milk, and there were hardly any fat kids. I wonder if it is just working mothers and video games and television and computers, thus inactivity. Drive through any neighborhood at 4 in the afternoon, and you will be lucky to see one or two kids on their bikes, or maybe playing basketball. When I was little, all the kids in the neighborhood were outside after school. We played big games of jumprope and kickball, and hide-n-seek around the whole block. Sometimes we turned on the tv, but my mother usually made us go outside unless it was pouring out or we were sick.

Oh joy, I just got the dreaded call from my mother-in-law...she is coming over in half an hour. Do not get me wrong, I love her very much. And I knew she was back in town for the summer, but mercy on me, the house is a mess!! I was literally gone all day yesterday....rrr. Camille is still sleeping, my hair is a mess, the dog stinks, Charlotte Claire is still in her jammies with her pull up on, and the clothes monster is back on the couch!!!.. Where do I start???


FLmom7 said...

Happy Birthday to Charlotte Claire! I hope you have a good day today, even with having to clean up for your Mother in Law's visit:)

Martha said...

I vote you hide everything unsightly under the clothes monster, but I suppose Grandma has come and gone by now.

Book Lover said...

Why is it that our mother in law always seems like company? I felt the same way when my mil was still living. Everything had to be clean and just so when she came over. I've noticed I act the same way toward my daughter in law, but not my son in laws. Weird huh?
Anyway, Happy Birthday to your beautiful Charlotte Claire. Just since i have been reading your blog, she has gotten so big!

Kim Chisman