summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, April 2, 2010

sauntering through the day....

It IS a good day. A really good day. I haven't eaten any fruits or veggies yet, and I haven't gone on a walk. I did sweep, but didn't mop, but I did wash two loads of bedding and hung them out to dry. The counters got cleaned and the front of the stove and 'fridge shined up and the hallway and stairs vacuumed. I folded and put away a load of towels.

I took the two little girls outside after breakfast, after all the big kids left. We went in the front yard and found a worm in the sandbox, and Charlotte Claire tried to climb the tree and tried to help the flowers grow by rubbing them with a stick. They got into a pretty good sized fight about who was going to open the wagon door. I pulled them around in the wagon to stop the fight, and brought them out back to the does Camille know to go on her tummy and twirl all around then lift up her feet and spin? And how does Charlotte Claire know how to pump already? Seriously, being out there with just them I was sad. Sad because they are slipping through my fingers and growing up and away from me. I know, they are only two and three years old...but it was just yesterday that I was outside with my little Emily and Abigail and now they are 25 and 23.....probably alot of moms that just have two small children think it is so FOREVER to have two small children....but I have experienced so many of them grow up on me I am entirely too conscious of how quickly it goes. Camille's pudgy toddler legs are turning into little girl legs, and Charlotte Claire is so tall and big and grown up. wah.

We went back up onto the deck and I got them ice water and pretzels and some peanutbutter crackers....they were in their little playhouse with Rosie. Rosie loves playing when there is the possibility of a stolen cracker or pretzel. It is too warm out, which is hard to believe, but I had had enough sun, and brought the girls in and put in a movie. They are tired, and not feeling so well, to say the least. So it is relaxing to watch "Ponyo" again.

Mirielle texted me and said the beach is absolutely gorgeous. I am trying not to be jealous.....but being here with the two little girls is fine. They are sweeties, and I love them love them love them....

1 comment:

Tereza said...

I love being with my youngest slows down and it's just us...I love that!