summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, April 16, 2010

can't find a fire...

Nothing is on fire around here but is humid out today, and I took Miss Rosie out and around the yard and up the road a bit on her leash, just to tire her out a bit. I think it worked, I know it worked on me. I don't know what the electrical smell was that we smelled before, but it scared the living daylights out of Jonathan, who made it out to the front yard in his polar bear jammies as soon as he heard the words, "Is something on fire?"....poor guy.

It is still and humid, and we are expecting thunder storms. The kids wanted to go in the little pool (but the hose isn't fixed yet), it is in the sixties, yet we are expecting snow showers by morning. A cold front is coming across Lake Ontario.....again. Just in time for spring break.

To me, it seems like a perfect day to stay home...when the rain starts, they can watch a movie. I got them all to pitch in and clean up before they went outside, and my hampers are pretty empty still, so I don't have a lot I have to do around here, yay. I remember a few years back when several of the kids were a mix of occasional and nightly bedwetters, and I would have the ever-present mountain of blankets and sheets and comforters in the laundryroom doorway. I was simply never caught up. I have definetly gotten "over the hump" of busy-ness. Unless I get surprise twins or triplets one of these days....

I am losing this battle....because they said I told them we would go to McDonalds on Grandparents Day. I guess I did. I am trying to get out of it, but they are all excited and want toget ready to go...rats. Suze feels fine now. So I am off to get out the bye-bye clothes...and sorry, Mom, but the girls will be missing their naps again.

1 comment:

Martha said...

I remember the days of wet sheets and blankets. We had to keep the house much warmer at night so the soggy darlings wouldn't freeze to death. So glad those days are over!

Come see my new grandson. :)