summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, January 23, 2010

finally, a break....

Benjamin, and Camille with her new jammies on..... Rosie likes the new train....

But I suppose last night counted as a break, too. My sister and I went to the pool, just her and I. One whole hour of talking and excercising in the water. The kids were at activity club, so it wasn't like I was just leaving them home.

This morning, we got the call that Margaret's glasses were done. It was a nice sunny day so I invited all the kids to go along with me to the mall if they wanted. Jonathan chose to stay home and play with his new train, and Aaron chose to stay home too. Emily, Abigail, and Joseph were working at the dome for a basketball game. Samuel went ice skating with some friends from church. So I took Mali, Margaret, Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, Charlotte Claire, and Camille. And Eileen and Olivia, two of my nieces. We didn't do much shopping, just walking around and looking. I did get Charlotte Claire and Camille each a pair of footie jammies for $3.49, and each an adorable pair of tights. Then we went to Rue 21, which had some $3 racks. I told the girls they could pick something out. Just to make it fun for them....when we got back into the mall, Sonja was whining a little because she didn't get anything, so I gave her a kiss on the top of the head and told her, "There, you got something..." She was fine. I got $23 worth of Taco Bell stuff for them in the mall, 20 tacos, two nacho grandes, and some ice water.
On the way home, I needed coffee, and I say NEEDED. I got busy getting everyone ready this morning, and I found my coffee, still sitting here when I got home. I KNEW I forgot to drink it. So, I stopped at a grocery store and got the kids some donuts and chocolate milks, and some oranges for later, then stopped for a coffee at McDonalds. I asked the kids if they wanted a $1 sandwich, because by then I realized that I would have to go home and make dinner, which I did not feel like doing. How guilty am I, giving them fast food for lunch AND dinner? The plate of cut up oranges out on the table makes me feel better, it sort of balances things out.
So now it is approaching bed time again, another day gone. I DID have fun today, and I hope my kids did, too. I did almost drool when I saw a sweet little newborn fussing on his mommy's shoulder. I also went into my favorite clothing store but didn't buy anything for myself. I also said YES to my two nieces spending the night. They are sweet little girls, best friends with Kathryn and Evelyn. But.....Evelyn has these plans tonight, and she wants Jonathan to sleep somewhere else.
I have to go make some popcorn for the kids. Popcorn and oranges - healthy?


Mike and Katie said...

I've thinking of you lately. Mike reads a nursery rhyme book to Amanda most nights and when they get to the woman who lives in the shoe they always count all the children. There are 16 in our book! :)

Blessing to your family and happy birthday! Mine was on Wednesday. When was yours?

16 blessings'mom said...

Happy Birthday, Katie! My birthday isn't until summer, but when people give me coupons and let me sleep in, it FEELS like my birthday. Yes, I am the old woman who lives in a shoe. A big messy practical shoe, probably like a walking shoe....maybe a size 12.