summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, January 28, 2010

wind chills below zero....

Kathryn braved the icy cold temperatures to take these pictures....she said she would have taken more, but it was too cold.
Rosie loves the snow.

And tomorrow it won't get over 15 degrees. Brr.
We had a nice dinner tonight..unfortunately it wasn't the pulled pork I was planning on, because it wasn't done in it will be for tomorrow. I made chicken and gravy (a 5 pound bag of frozen chicken breast, simmered in 3 cans of cream of chicken soup and a jar of chicken gravy, plus some water......mashed potatoes, and southwestern corn (green pepper, onions, crushed red pepper, 2 bags of frozen corn simmered in olive oil, then add some crushed or diced tomatoes)(Sonja acted like I was purposely poisioning her, but the bigger kids liked it).....
Tomorrow the kids are staying home from school, at least the elementary kids. I have told them all week that they can have Friday off, and to top it off, tomorrow is going to be brutally cold. School might be cancelled anyway. We are going to make peanututter cookies, and just have a nice day inside. They won't fight or argue with me or talk back or anything. ha. Cocoa, marshmallows, peace....hey, you never know!
Jonathan has emptied his backpack, and is looking at the book order. We do get them a book occasionally, it is so exciting for them. He just found something and said, "Four dollars, that's cheap!".....hmm.

1 comment:

Virginia Revoir said...

Wow! We live in Arizona where we have been outside in our shorts and tshirts with no shoes! My kids were even playing in the water the other day. Snow is something unknown here and we have to travel elsewhere to see it. My kids have seen it once two years ago and they are begging to visit again.