summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, January 9, 2010

lovely morning....

But I wouldn't know it, because I slept through most of it. I woke at ten, and couldn't believe it. I never sleep that late! I was up 'til the wee hours of the morning with Emily and Mirielle and Mali and Aaron and Margaret. We talked about all sorts of important things, and were of course a bit silly, since it was so late, or should I say early....

By the time I showered and came out here this morning (hey, may as well jump in the shower, daddy was up with them!), Paul had done the dishwasher, and made eggs for all the younger ones. I had to get my boots and coat on and go out and get Rosie-the-neighbor-visiting-dog. Then I read the entire morning paper while I ate my eggs that Paul had made for me, and drank my coffee, which he also made. It seems like it might just be my birthday! Now I am sitting here in the living room while six little girls bounce on the excercise balls, and play duplos. They cleaned it all up before I came out here this morning, to surprise me. They are going to put on some music and dance. It is loud and crazy when they do this, but it is good excercise for them. It is only going up to 15 degrees out today, so they won't be able to play out for very long. They just plain need excercise. Less fighting, happier kids. And dancing is better than jumping on the couch. Or "run and scream".....

Emily is looking at an apartment this morning, she took Mali and Jonathan with her. It is only a few miles down the road, in town, so we will still see her, and the kids can visit her. Still, wah.

Well, I will have to resume my ramblings later, Camille stinks, and I cannot ask Paul to change her.....because then it would really have to be my birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh that does sound like a birthday!! :)
Enjoy the time off..