Camille did, too.
This is Camille yesterday before her nap.
I had all these nice things to write about, but Camille loves me today. She has been sitting with me with a big hardcover book, I read it once. Charlotte Claire and Jonathan are having fun with duplo blocks these days. I told Jon that I would look on craigslist and Ebay and see if we can find some more to buy with their Christmas money.
Martin Luther King Day:
My opinion on racism: it is the most ignorant, cruel, and utterly STUPID form of thinking. When I was in kindergarten, I had a lovely teacher. It was her first year of teaching, and her name was Miss Grant. This was in 1970. I don't remember much about it, but my mother told me years later that when she went to the first parent-teacher conference, she was surprised that the teacher was black. Because I never mentioned it, but truly, I had never noticed it. (also I was so focused on sticking to my guns on the lie my brothers kept encouraging me to tell my mother, that the teacher slapped me. I insisted, because my brothers told me to tell my mother that. So my poor mother had to go to that school and ask the teacher....who of course told my mother that I was a sweet shy little thing, and she wouldn't think of slapping me. Again, I don't particularly remember these things, but I grew up hearing the stories.)(my mother also told me years later that when she met dear Miss Grant, she asked her how her job was, and Miss Grant said it was very difficult. I guess back then in such a white suburban district, she wasn't very welcomed. She didn't come back after that first year. How terrible is that? That was the way things were)
But my point is, God made people. Anyone who thinks they are better than anyone else for any reason is a fool. In my humble opinion. And anyone who makes derogatory comments in front of their kids, is also a fool. In my humble opinion.
Wow, I just remembered that today is Emily's birthday. I wish I had a hundred bucks to take everyone out to lunch. 17 times 5 is 85, plus a tip....hmm.
Well, the day goes on, and I have laundry to do and kids to play with and older kids to talk to .....
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