summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, January 9, 2009

quiet is all I hear

This is hard to believe, but I am the ONLY one up. Evelyn, Suzanne, and Sonja are outside waiting for the bus, it the cold sunshine and deep snow. Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille are still sleeping, as are the big college girls, Abigail and Mirielle. All of the kids went to school, as far as I know. I know, I am a bad parent, not to be positive if they all went. Ah, here is the bus....

I know I should make better use of this uninterupted time, but it is so yummy. There is no sound, but the hum of the 'fridge and the sound of the bus driving away. And: Sonja so thoughtfully trekked back up the driveway and brought in the morning paper for me. It is one of my pleasures. I skip the sports section, but otherwise, it interests me. I saw the other day where a couple of young guys had gotten into a fight, and one of them had stabbed someone. The stabber was only 17 years old, and he got 15 to 25 years in prison. His mom was at the trial, and she said, "He is not a bad boy, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Oh, the heart of a mother. I would not want to trade places with her for anything, and I prayed for her....

Well, that was about 3 and half minutes of silence, during which I had to get up to get the cat off the counter, and give him a drink of water. Now, Camille is awake.

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